3 Dangers Of Humanizing A Dog

3 dangers of humanizing a dog

A widespread trend nowadays is to humanize dogs. But assigning people-specific issues to animals whether consciously or unconsciously can bring many problems to pets. We’ll tell you which ones.

How is a pet humanized?

Among the most common actions performed by those who humanize their dogs are :

  • Treat them like little children.
  • Dress them up “in fashion” with clothes and accessories, including shoes and jewelry.
  • Take them for walks in strollers or arms or even in bags.
  • Submit them to sophisticated aesthetic treatments.
  • Organize birthday parties, weddings, weddings, etc.
  • Use in them products made exclusively for humans (medicines, cosmetics, some foods, etc.).

dog clothes

All these attitudes cause various disorders in the hairy and must be corrected in time to avoid major inconveniences for physical and emotional health. The veterinarian or an animal behavior specialist is best at telling you how these issues should be addressed.

Know the main dangers of humanizing a dog

Below, we will detail the main dangers of humanizing dogs. Stay tuned.

1- Behavior Problems

The fact of humanizing generates a good part of the behavior disorders that furry ones can present. Treating a dog as a person will cause great confusion that can lead to changes in their behavior. For example:

  • Be aggressive with their owners, strangers or other animals.
  • Urinate or defecate in inappropriate places.
  • Excessively breaking or biting different objects: shoes, clothes, newspapers, etc.
  • Develop stereotypies: chasing its own tail, chasing nonexistent flies, compulsively licking its paws or other parts of its body.
  • Bark steadily.

So, we must start from something very obvious that we must not forget: a dog is a dog, not a person. If we want a healthy and happy coexistence with our pet, we must respect its nature and learn to interpret its body language. That way we can socialize and educate him properly.

2- Eating Disorders

Humanizing the dog can also cause obesity or nutritional deficiencies. A furry must receive a balanced diet and in accordance with the characteristics it requires at each stage of its life.

Giving the dog food that someone eats, in addition to their usual food, will certainly generate an animal that is obese, or that has not adequately supplied its nutritional needs.

Although a treat is allowed from time to time, it is better to be specific for dogs and be included in their usual diet. This way you avoid the excess of sweets, but also offer some “snack” healthier and equally delicious for your pet.

3- Physical health drawbacks


In addition to the emotional problems that can be caused to a dog with humanization, neither will he be exempt from dangers related to his physical health. A common reasoning among those who humanize their pets is that “if something is good for me, it is also good for my dog”.

So, the person falls into the serious mistake of giving the furry medicines made specifically for people, which can harm their health. Some drugs are decidedly toxic to them. We must not forget that humans and dogs are not of the same species and that we therefore have different metabolisms, and we process and eliminate substances in different ways from each other.

The same happens with products intended for personal cleaning. Dogs and people don’t have the same pH. Therefore, bathing a furry with our shampoo can cause allergies and other more or less serious skin problems. Also, the use of clothes can cause inconvenience to your skin, in addition to bothering them, these pieces were designed with fabrics unsuitable for the skin of dogs.

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