5 African National Birds

These species were chosen by some African countries as official representatives based on the habitat and customs of the place. 
5 African national birds

Perhaps when we think of Saharan or Sub-Saharan lands, we imagine the “Big Five” that can be seen on safari. But other as yet unknown animals also live on this continent. So, in the following article, we’ll talk about the national birds of Africa.

What are the national birds of Africa?

Not all African countries have chosen a bird as their official representative. This could be due to many reasons, such as not having a native bird or the fact that they do not consider them important.

However, those who chose were based on habitat and, of course, local customs. Among the national birds of Africa, we find:

  1. blue crane

He was chosen by  South Africa  and is one of the smallest of the crane family. It measures about 120 centimeters and, when it opens its wings, it can reach two meters in length. Its plumage is grayish blue, darker on the head, neck and nape. The peak is ocher with pink hues.

The blue crane – the image that opens this article – inhabits highlands with meadows, lakes and hills. Migrates in winter, although its distribution is quite restricted. It is a social bird, with the exception of the breeding season, and feeds on the ground, since its diet is composed of pastures and herbs, although they can consume insects.

  1. Gray parrot

It is known as a  parrot  and is one of the African parrots, although it is currently in danger of extinction due to its declining population. The Gray Parrot is very intelligent and is able to memorize and repeat words.

Gray parrot

It is the national bird of São Tomé,  its plumage is almost entirely gray, except for the tip of the tail which is red, the eyes are yellow, the face is white and the beak is black. They live in hierarchically organized groups and form a stable couple, with whom they build their nest in the cavities of trees.

  1. peregrine falcon

It is one of the most beautiful national birds in Africa – chosen by Angola – that exists and also  holds the record of being the fastest animal in the world,  even beating the  felines ! The peregrine falcon inhabits almost the entire planet and nearly 20 subspecies are known.

peregrine falcon

As for their diet, they prefer medium-sized birds, such as  seagulls, ducks or pigeons, which hunt at dusk or dawn. Once “in love”, they don’t separate anymore and every year they return to the same nest to reproduce, after a beautiful courtship flight.

The litters are composed of an average of three eggs; which are incubated for just over a month.

  1. African fish eagle

This bird, which lives in areas close to lakes and rivers in sub-Saharan Africa, was chosen as the representative of two countries: Zambia and Zimbabwe. 

It feeds almost exclusively on fish; whoever catches them by spying for them in the branches of the trees and then diving into the water.

African fish eagle

As for its physical characteristics, it is a large bird – females more robust than males – whose body is covered with brown feathers and black wings.

Both the chest and the head and tip of the tail are white, and the  beak  and legs are yellow.

  1. Eastern Crowned Crane

To finish the list of African national birds, we could not leave out a species that was chosen by no less than three countries: Uganda (shows on their flag), Rwanda and Tanzania. 

It lives in the savannah and marshes, always south of the Sahara and nests in moist habitats.

Eastern Crowned Crane

Its plumage is more than impressive: black tail, white body, dark gray back, light gray chest, gray legs and beak, white, red and black head and a kind of yellow hat on the nape of the neck. In Nigeria, there is also the  Black Crowned Crane, with darker plumage but with other similar characteristics.

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