5 Things Dogs Love To Chase

5 things dogs love to chase

Sometimes when we watch our dog, we think he is crazy. Is that sometimes he has gestures or attitudes that escape our compression. There are things he likes to chase about, he also loves running around and, after his bath, he rolls on the floor for no reason or runs after things he can never reach. We observe, but it doesn’t matter, we don’t understand.

In this post we will focus on talking about the 5 most common things dogs love to chase. Something we don’t see much sense in, we think they do it for fun. But is it really that? Why does your dog like to chase certain things?

Your dog chases things like…

dogs like to chase


This is undoubtedly one of the best known images and behaviors of our pets. It is known that dogs and cats do not get along very well. In fact, the phrase used when two people don’t get along was even popularized: “like cat and dog”.

Now, when one animal chases another, as a rule, it would be to eat it, but it’s obvious that dogs don’t eat cats, so why chase them then?

To answer this question, we must go to the ancestors of both. Those of dogs are wolves, those of cats, felines like cheetahs. Both are carnivores and savages, but both understand the raw reality of the jungle: an animal seriously injured outside the group is a dead animal, within the group it can be saved.

The genes of both are different, dogs feel the need for a leader and if they don’t see one, they call themselves leaders, so if they see themselves outside the group, they attack.

On the other hand, cats are loyal to their leaders and if they feel attacked outside the group, being alone they decide to look for their group. Like? Running away.


Who has not seen a dog chasing a ball? On many occasions, when they reach her, they don’t even grab her, what happens? Instinct. Domestic dogs come from wild dogs and these from wolves. Both have an innate ability to hunt.

When they see something moving, there they go. Here’s why: Your dog chases the ball because he instinctively believes it’s prey. When she arrives and sees that there is no food, he ignores her. But he’ll come back for her if he sees her moving again.

your own tail

This is one of the funniest and most laughable moves in a dog. Well, we’re sorry to tell you it’s not a laughing matter. The dog that does this may be expressing with this gesture its anxiety and annoyance, and may even convert this, if left untreated, into a compulsive disorder.

The cars

In one of our articles, we’ve already detailed why dogs chase vehicles. The explanation is somewhat similar to the ball. When they see something moving, they can’t help it, they run after it.

It’s instinctive, they don’t think, so it doesn’t matter if they’re going to suffer the consequences, they don’t know and don’t even think about it. Our advice: read our related article and learn how to get this habit out of your dog.

something with wheels

running dog2

Cars aren’t the only thing with wheels that dogs love to chase. Chasing things like bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, roller skates, is common with them. As we explained to you, they see this as more prey, so try to calm your dog down, as he may chase and even bite someone who is using some type of wheeled artifact.

Your dog is sure to chase a few other things. Here we only mention the most common ones. Although it may be normal behavior, don’t forget to watch your dog so that this behavior doesn’t become compulsive.

Image credits: The Jaguar.

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