5 Things That Make A Cat Happy

5 things that make a cat happy

When we decide to let an animal be part of our family, of course we try to do our best for it. Responsible owners must always be aware of the specific needs and care of each pet. So today we’ll give you some tips to make a cat happy.

how to make a cat happy

When a purring friend arrives at his new home, of course he’ll be a little wary at first. But he will soon get used to the different spaces and will often make us doubt who is the real owner of the house.

However,  these adorable creatures will soon win our hearts. And, for this reason, we will embark on the exciting task of looking for a thousand and one ways to make them comfortable and content. So, write down some tips that will help your pussy to waste happiness.

1. Adapt the house to your needs

For a feline to be happy, it is necessary to offer, among other things:

  • Scratchers to keep your nails in shape (and so they don’t destroy furniture)
  • Adequate spaces for him to sleep comfortably and feel safe
  • Places to hide (nothing will make you happier than a box)
  • Surfaces where he can climb and contemplate the world from different heights
  • Toys that can be “hunted”
  • A sandbox located in an inconspicuous place

2. Allow him to access abroad

Although home and neutered cats are perfectly capable of living indoors, these little animals love to explore outdoors. So, if there was a possibility, don’t deprive him of access to the garden, the roof or the balcony. If this is not possible, a window with a view to the outside is also a good option. But of course, be careful that the animal does not escape and run the risk of getting lost or suffering accidents.

3. Games and affection

These charming felines love to play and be petted. But they themselves determine the right time for these activities. And they also make it very clear when is the right time to stop. In addition, felines accept affection only on certain parts of their bodies, which can vary from animal to animal. Then, with observation, patience and a lot of trial and error, you will learn how to make a cat happy when playing and petting.

4. A feline companion

Although in some situations there may be problems with heat or adaptation, especially if they are adult animals, the ideal is to have more than one cat at home. In addition to keeping each other company and cleaning themselves together, the pussies will also have a lot of fun. And they will make their owners happy. Witnessing the spectacle of two felines playing together is one of the best things in life.

5. Proper food and snacks

A balanced diet, in accordance with the veterinarian’s recommendations and the animal’s characteristics, helps to maintain good health. And a healthy feline is also a happy feline. But  if you really want to make your cat happy, reward him with some food he likes a lot. Always in the right measure and without putting your diet at risk, be sure to pamper your pet with some treat. If you have any questions, talk to a professional you trust.

Other tips for taking care of your cat

In addition to all these details, which will make your friend happy to be an animal that lives happily, don’t forget other responsibilities that contribute to your well-being:

  • Regular Veterinary Visits
  • Vaccines
  • Internal and external deworming

So,  take care and love your kitten a lot. You will see how in addition to having a happy animal, you will also be a much happier person.

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