6 Animal-like Flowers

Beautiful, unique and similar to some living beings. These are some of the characteristics that define animal-like flowers.
6 flowers that look like animals

Nature is very wide and curious. Every day more species of fauna and flora are known on the planet, each with particularities and aspects that make them unique. However, sometimes these two fields converge on one point: flowers that look like animals or vice versa are living proof of this.

There are more than 400 000 species of plants on the planet. Among them, a small group stands out from the rest for showing very strong similarities with some animal species. Below, you will find information about 6 exotic plants that will amaze you.

1. Bee grass

Beeweed ( Ophrys apifera) is a species found in Europe and Western Asia. It is usually about a foot tall. This unique plant gets its name from a lip that mimics the abdomen of a female bee. It has 3 lobes that, in turn, have fine, silky hairs.

Its color is dark brown and has some spots of the same tone, but lighter. It also has white and yellow lines. Interestingly, this appearance often attracts male bees to pollinate it. There are 2 species, the second is less known ( Ophrys schulzei ), as it is only found in Asia Minor and the Middle East.

One of the flowers that look like animals.

2. Flying duck orchid

This species is unique in the world. The flying duck orchid ( Caleana major ) is native to Australia, where it prefers high, sandy areas. It does not exceed 40 centimeters in height and is characterized by a coloration between red and green tones.

On a single branch, 5 to 7 flowers can bloom, especially between spring and summer. Its unique appearance makes its lip and lip look like a flying duck. It is pollinated by the male sawfly ( Symphyta ).

A flying duck orchid.

3. Monkey Face Orchid

This species combines 2 characters from the movie: the monkeys and Dracula. Its scientific name ( Dracula simia ) is due to the buds that emerge from it that resemble the fangs of a vampire. It is a plant unique to the high areas of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, as it grows between 1200 and 2000 meters above sea level.

Its aroma resembles that of a ripe orange and is not a typical seasonal flower, as it can bloom at any time in its natural habitat. Its comparison with the face of a monkey is due to the arrangement of its spine, its petals and its pink and white lip. The bottom is purple and the pistils draw a monkey’s snout.

Another one of the animal-like flowers.

4. Parrot flower

The parrot flower ( Impatiens psittacina ) is a species of animal-like flowers of the Balsaminaceae family. Its habitat is Asia, in countries like Thailand, Burma and India. Its flower is light purple and carmine red, which is shaped like a flying parrot when viewed from the side. It can have a height of 50 centimeters.

A parrot flower.

5. Dove Orchid

The dove orchid or Flower of the Holy Spirit ( Peristeria elata ) is a plant belonging to the orchid family and is present in Panama. In the inflorescence, it produces sw 4 to 12 flowers of an intense ivory white. They are adorned with some purple flecks, but the most impressive thing is that a small dove emerges from the lip.

This vegetable is terrestrial in character, but it can also cling to other mossy trees or plants without negatively affecting them. It was found at a height of 1100 meters above sea level. Due to its enormous beauty and unique character, this plant was historically decimated, so it is in danger of extinction.

One of the plants that look like animals.

6. Egret Orchid

It is one of the best known orchids in Japan, where it is also called the sagissus ( Habenaria radiata ). It is distinguished by the peculiar white color and the shape of its flowers. The lateral lobes of the lip resemble a heron and its petals simulate the wings of this bird, with which in some cases it shares habitat.

The heron orchid is one of the flowers that look like animals,

These are just a few of the different species of flowers that look like animals. Nature still hides many secrets and species of plants and animals to be discovered, however, man is usually the biggest threat to these exotic flowers that fill their natural habitats with beauty and mysticism.

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