6 Common Mistakes In Training Your Dog

6 Common Mistakes When Training Your Dog

The education and training of your dog is a matter of paramount importance, as this can cause problems if not done properly. That’s why, in this article, we’ve put together six common mistakes in training your dog and how to avoid them.

Ask a pseudo-specialist for help

The first time our furry friend comes into the house, especially if he’s our first pet,  we panic and turn to anyone who seems to know a little more than we do. From a friend who has read books, to the fifth-floor neighbor who has had dogs all his life and claims he knows everything.

Siberian Husky at the veterinarian

Leave it alone, because it  ‘s best to go to the  vet. He is the only professional capable of informing us about the animal’s health status and will advise us on how to act  and may even recommend professional trainers.

Overwhelm the puppy with words and treats

One of the most common mistakes we make in the beginning, regarding the education of our pet, is that  since they come into the house, we treat them as if they were a baby, cradling them in our arms, giving them hugs and saying affectionate words.

The best thing is to let him know the environment: the house is new for him, there are a lot of places for him to sniff, discover new smells, flavors and other beings. Everything is new, so let him explore.

Start training your dog late

It is important to let the dog know the house, the environment and the family, but don’t take too long to start his education:  some people think that up to six months he doesn’t assimilate anything, when his learning actually starts from the first minute and never ends.. Not starting your dog’s training right away is a big mistake. We emphasize that constancy and patience are keys to this.

punish failures

Popular wisdom is sometimes right: “More flies are hunted with honey than with vinegar.” Punishment will not improve our dog’s learning, but it will be less effective than positive reinforcement and, in addition, it will generate fears and create a suspicious dog.

dog getting an order

do not correct the bite

There is a widespread belief about the puppy “playing a bite,” as it does, in fact, have teeth and use them, just as it uses its paws and tail. A very common mistake is not  controlling the bites and allowing the puppy to grow into an adult who can’t control himself and bites everything he sees in front of him.

This is one of the few cases where negative reinforcement can make sense. However, the punishment can never be hitting the animal or yelling at it, that is, mistreatment.

If the bite occurred during a game (which is the most common), it is important to stop the game and show the pain. Think of two puppies playing, when one bites the other harder than it should, the bitten dog emits a cry of pain and interrupts the play.

or eight or eighty

It is well known that reaching the middle ground always seems complicated and many pet owners can sin by being permissive or too angry. Therefore,  we must not treat our dog as servile, nor allow him to do anything he wants. Aristotle has already said: “In the middle lies virtue.”

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