7 Tips For Owners Whose Pets Misbehave With Visitors

7 tips for owners whose pets misbehave with visitors

It is quite common that, when someone comes to visit us, our pets behave badly or are completely different from how they are in everyday life. Why do they act this way? Out of jealousy? To get attention? What is certain is that it makes us look bad in front of visitors. In this article, we are going to offer you some advice for avoiding uncomfortable situations.

Tips for pets that misbehave with visitors

Some dogs wag their tails in happiness when they hear someone is at the door. Others hide under the table and start barking and grunting at the guest. Furthermore, there are pets that do not leave “intruders” alone: ​​they ask for food, jump on them, bring them toys, etc.

In any case, we want our pet to behave as it should when there is a visitor in our home. That way, everyone will have a good time together and we won’t have to make drastic decisions like locking him up or punishing him. If your dog misbehaves when there are visitors, pay attention to these tips:

  1. Be the pack leader


You must be the boss of the house, whether there are visitors or not. If the dog jumps on someone, it will be trying to demonstrate that he is the leader of the house. Therefore, you cannot promote this type of behavior. Indicate to him in a deep, firm voice that this is wrong and repeat it as many times as necessary until he learns.

  1. Don’t be effusive when you get home

When you’re out all day and step foot in the living room, your dog is likely to jump on you in happiness. While this is a nice gesture on the part of your pet, it’s encouraging him to do this when visits come. Because of this, we recommend that you wait a few minutes to greet him. First leave your things, change your clothes, and when the animal is calmer, pet it.

  1. Introduce it to your guest

When visitors arrive, you should do the same as when you return home. Once people have settled in or left their belongings, call your pet. First, touch him so he can smell you and realize there’s nothing to be afraid of. Therefore, the guest must do the same. The initial contact has to be smooth, without any sudden movements.

  1. Don’t give him food out of his  bowl

You must know that an animal will repeat the same habits that it presents in front of you, in front of strangers (or at least some of them). For example, if, when you are eating, the dog asks you for food and you give it to him, even though it is a little, he will behave the same way with visitors. And, for many people, it’s uncomfortable for this to happen.

  1. take more people home

For your pet to get used to the guests… There must be more guests! It’s time to increase your social life, at least when it comes to receiving visits. Once the animal knows that it is natural that there are other people in your house, it will behave better, because it will not feel that there has been a change in its daily life.

  1. Don’t lock him up or punish him


Often, to avoid problems with guests, owners choose to put their pets in the bathroom or leave them in the backyard. Also, they punish them or yell at them. In this way, the only thing that is achieved is for the animal to relate the arrival of a person to something bad. And you will not be submissive to it! It will react to the supposed danger. You should be helping him to behave well at all times.

  1. Ask for help from guests

If the newcomers adopt a friendly, pleasant and safe posture, the pet will feel at ease and will not behave badly towards them. Have guests maintain direct contact with the dog if they like animals. In this way, you will be demonstrating to them that they can trust the people who visit us and that they must behave well.

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