Learn About Inelastic Skin Syndrome In Dogs

Know the syndrome of inelastic skin in dogs

This is not a well-known affliction, but it affects thousands of dogs around the world. We are talking about the syndrome of inelastic skin. That is, when we touch the animal’s skin, it doesn’t go back to its original shape. It can have horrible consequences for our dog.

What is Inelastic Skin Syndrome?


This is an inherited disease caused by defective development. Collagen is the main component for achieving skin elasticity. Because of this, if it does not exist or is defective, when we pull the skin, it will not return to its original place.

In addition, the lack of collagen in the skin makes it fragile and wounds very easily produced. This makes it difficult for the animal to socialize with other dogs, as playing between them could hurt it.

On the other hand, wound healing accelerates. Although the scars they leave are ugly, white in color and bleeding. Added to this, the hair of dogs with inelastic skin syndrome is thinner, drier and more brittle.

Other consequences

The deformation of collagen in the animal’s skin can damage other organs or parts of the body. For example, it increases makes the joints looser. Therefore, these can undergo changes that, in the long run, will bring greater problems.

Cases were also known in which changes in the eyes can be noted, for example, in the cornea and lens, although the same clinical picture is not found in all dogs with this condition.

how to improve it

As it is an inherited disease, there is no cure. But, according to doctors, the condition of the animal can be improved by giving it vitamin C and taking preventive measures.

These measures consist of avoiding a little more “aggressive” play with other animals, and, if they get hurt, treat them as soon as possible to avoid infections.

Other skin problems in dogs

The Inelastic Skin Syndrome in Dogs is just one of the many skin conditions that can afflict our pets. In order to know if our animal’s skin is in good condition, it is advisable to observe it and go to the veterinarian in case of any strange changes that may appear.

These are the most common diseases we can see on dogs’ skin:


  • Allergy to flea bites. This is one of the most frequent, but it can go unnoticed very easily. Fleas are everywhere and produce an almost unbearable itchy sensation. The dog scratches himself desperately and the area becomes even redder, making the situation worse.
  • Fungi. Animals are not exempt from suffering from skin fungus. These, in addition to giving an ugly appearance to the skin, are contagious, so you should treat it as soon as possible and touch your animal with gloves until the problem is resolved.
  • Scabies is caused by a mite that lives under the skin and lays eggs everywhere, from which other mites are born and start to do the same. This will cause hair loss and a horrible itch that won’t go away when the animal scratches itself.
  • Food allergies. A change in the animal’s skin can be caused by an allergy to certain foods. Although we may not take it for granted, allergies can cause more serious problems in dogs. See the veterinarian for any signs that this may have occurred.
  • Pyoderma is caused by bacteria that create pus and is most common in dogs. This bacteria lodges in the anus, nasal orifices or in the muzzle of the animal. Symptoms are visible, so treating him in time will not be a problem. These are: skin rashes, itching, scabs and weight loss, among others.

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