A Police Dog Retires

a police dog retires

There are dogs that have marked history and our lives. Others marked the lives of those they helped. It’s just that since the furry ones started to be used as service dogs, they showed themselves worthy of honor and thanks for their excellent work. Today we will focus on a retired police dog.

For all of this and more, we love to dedicate spaces like this to those who have devoted their lives to helping others. This is the case of Danko, one of the first dogs of the special operations group (GEO) from Spain. Now he has retired, after a life of self-denial and sacrifice. We will tell your story.

Meet Danko, Spain’s first retired police dog

Danko, like most police dogs, is a German Shepherd who was recruited just four years ago. He was five years old when he was trained to carry out the work of rescuing people.

We don’t know for sure where Danko appeared, if he was already the son of other police dogs, if he was adopted for this or if his owners donated him. In any case, what is certain is that he was one of the first police dogs in Spain, and that he stood out in the tough tests for his intelligence and perseverance, placing him in third place.

He took part in some highly dangerous operations, participated in the neutralization of offenders, as well as in the tracking and rescue of missing persons. Your work has been excellent, but after five years of service and nine years of age, it’s time for Danko to retire.

However, this brings with it a problem. Police dogs have no family and no home to stay. Therefore, when they retire, they need someone to adopt them.

We are happy to say that Danko has already been adopted, as there was a movement in his favor and a campaign was even carried out for this in “Amores Caninos”. This is a section of a well-known Spanish television program called O Anthill .

However, like Danko, there are dozens of animals who have dedicated their lives to the country and are now virtually on the street. What happens to them?

4-legged heroes, a beautiful initiative


Source: www.elconfidencial.com

Although one or another police dog is adopted by one of the officers, there comes a time when this becomes impossible. Possibly some already have more than one dog, or some member of their family has allergies, or they get promoted and have to move somewhere else. Anyway, a lot of situations that make it difficult to give a home to these animals, which offered a life of service to the security of the countries in which they live.

Well then, a group of 10 police officers had an exceptional idea to help all those police dogs, firefighters or dedicated to any other service, and who are retiring.

The initiative is a program that has been under development for a few years, and is called 4-legged Heroes. The program promotes the adoption of this type of animals. It is not easy, as, as a general rule, these dogs are already a few years old, but even so the program is being very well received by people and has already managed to help in the adoption of many of these animals.

Danko is just an example.

Why Adopt a Retired Police Dog?

Well, the reasons are many. Let’s list a few:

  • They are sociable. Think that these dogs have been around people all their lives. They know how to distinguish between good and bad, and they are loving and selfless.
  • They have high discipline.  Becoming a police dog is not easy. The tests they must pass are tough and require great mental strength and perseverance. So there won’t be any problems with peeing out of place with one of these furry ones at home, or having him pull his leash when going out for a walk, among other things.
  • They will be great guard dogs. They are used to it, so there is no better security for their home than a retired police dog.
  • He will give his life for you. They are trained for this. Their loyalty is even superior to that of other dogs. If he sees his owner in danger, it will help him even if his life is compromised by it.

As we’ve seen, what these dogs do is a lot of work and there’s no better way to reward them than by giving them a home when they need it. Would you like to adopt one? Be sure to visit the 4-legged Heroes webpage.

Images source: www.elconfidencial.com

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