Deaf Dog: Tips For Interacting With These Animals

Ending the fallacy that deaf dogs are more aggressive or less intelligent than hearing dogs is vital. It is necessary to avoid further abandonment caused by prejudice and lack of information.
Deaf dog: tips for interacting with these animals

Currently, it is estimated that up to 89 dog breeds  are at risk of being born with  congenital deafness. Statistics play against Dalmatians, mostly.  After all, up to 30% of puppies of  dalmatians  they can be born deaf. Let’s learn more about how to handle a dog that can’t hear.

Many decide, out of fear or ignorance, to abandon the animal when they discover its deficiency. However,  a deaf dog can lead a practically normal life and develop in the same way as other animals.  This guide will help you interact with your deaf dog and realize that he is an animal like the others.

Training a deaf dog is possible

At first, giving orders to a dog that cannot hear seems an impossible task. Especially, considering that even hearing dogs can choose to ignore the owner’s calls. The key to this process is  the use of signals , but for that we have to make the animal understand what we want.

  • In the  early stages  of training, the main thing is to learn to  get your dog’s attention.  In the case of a deaf dog, we have to resort to non-audible calls. We can achieve this with  vibrating collars, which work with a remote control. We can make the animal associate this vibration with a call. So we can press the button until he turns his head and encourage him with small rewards. A laser pen can also help us.
  • Once you get your dog’s attention, you can show  signs that he associates with a certain order. Among the most basic, we have those that teach us to go back to our side or stop when the dog is doing something we don’t like. Keep in mind that  a deaf animal will be more dependent on its owner, especially in unfamiliar surroundings.
  • Some dogs can understand  certain words in sign language. This can be especially helpful when it comes to calling them out for a walk. In addition, he will also be able to know if you are happy or angry or if you want him to stay in a certain place in the house.
  • Throughout the process,  positive reinforcements will  allow the dog to associate orders with something pleasant. That way he won’t forget them easily. Remember to have small prizes around that will encourage your pet.

Dog training

Helpful Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe

One of the  main dangers  faced by a deaf dog in their daily lives is the  inability to hear a car  or other dogs. Therefore, it is essential to keep it tied up with a leash in urban spaces or near the road. Also, you need to hold it in the presence of dogs that might be aggressive.

To know where your pet is  at all times, we can resort to some trickery. That is, we can use a  bell  or  visibly indicate on the collar that the dog is deaf. Of course, don’t forget to provide the owner’s address on the collar as well. After all, in case the dog gets lost, someone can take him back home.

At night, since it is more difficult for the dog to see our signs, we can always use laser pointers or flashlights. We can use patterns that teach the dog to return or that simply help the animal identify its owner from a distance.

Exercise for puppies

The myth that deaf dogs are more aggressive

Any animal will react with surprise and even violence if an unknown person approaches and touches it without warning. In the case of deaf dogs, any kind of approach they haven’t seen can be threatening.

Therefore, it  is essential that the owner teach the dog from an early age not to identify these caresses as risks or threats. We can start by touching the head or spine from behind and reassure him later. Also, always use positive rewards and reinforcements that teach you to associate human contact with a pleasant feeling.

Ending the fallacy that deaf dogs are more aggressive or less intelligent than hearing dogs is vital. Thus, it is possible to  avoid new dropouts motivated by prejudice and preconceived ideas.

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