Get Rid Of Loneliness: Adopt A Dog!

Get rid of loneliness: adopt a dog!

Adopting a dog has multiple benefits. Many experts recommend this during old age to combat depression and anxiety. Obviously, it also helps to avoid loneliness. It is true that when someone is lost, whether through death or a heartbreak, an animal cannot replace that person.

What he can do is fill the emptiness of our loneliness and offer us love. This is a different love than this person gave us, but a very sincere love that will fill us with happiness.

Possibly, there are those who feel alone without necessarily having lost someone. For these people, adopting a pet will also be a magnificent idea. Let’s look at the contrasts between loneliness and the company of a dog.

Thank you for quenching the thirst of my loneliness


Since I was alone, this house has become so big that the last thing I wanted was to get here after work. Although being outside didn’t make me feel any less alone, since: walking alone, shopping alone, drinking coffee alone is not pleasant. What difference is there then between being alone outside the home or being alone at home?

Not much for me, although being out has helped me to meet people. One day when I was having coffee, someone gave me a flyer that said: Sit alone? Adopt a dog and calm your loneliness.

I kept thinking about how lonely I felt and if maybe a puppy could soothe my loneliness. So I asked myself, and why not?

The truth is, I had never thought about having a pet. However, it was clear that I needed to make a change in my life. And you, you were that change.

The same leaflet pointed to an animal protection association not far from where I lived. And without delay, there I was. Actually, it wasn’t hard to decide, I saw you and then I knew it would be you I would take home. You were my little furry little ball and your way of coming to me made me fall in love.

I no longer know what loneliness is

Since you arrived at my house, you have become my ideal companion, my faithful friend, my living stuffed animal, someone to talk to and play with. My walks were no longer alone, we could go together and have coffee or go shopping.

I never knew what it was like to have a pet, but I knew what loneliness was. It was something I now, thanks to you, have a vague recollection of.

I open the door every day and see you there, waiting for me, no matter if before I left we had an argument about why you gnawed at my shoes… you always forget, and it always makes me feel good. Thanks to you, I no longer know what it’s like to sleep alone, watch TV alone, or have the whole sofa to myself. 

It may sound silly, but sometimes, even though I feel uncomfortable in the armchair because you take up all the space, I don’t want to move so I don’t wake you up. I don’t mind doing this, because I know how unique you are and the good it did me in pushing away that bitter loneliness that I felt before you came into my life.

If you adopt, your life will change.


Just as this kind of letter explains the feelings you have when adopting a pet for the first time, your life will change if you decide to adopt a dog.

It’s true that this implies a certain degree of responsibility, as you can never forget that a dog depends on you for everything. But the joys he will bring will be many and more than the sacrifices you may have to make for him.

Don’t think anymore and adopt an animal, because it doesn’t matter if you feel loneliness or not, your life will improve as it will make your existence happy. Also if you have children, a pet will teach them very useful lessons for life. If there are elderly people in the home, this will also help to make them feel useful. And if you are alone, you will never be again and you will forget what loneliness is…

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