Benefits Of Taking Your Dog To The Psychologist

Benefits of taking your dog to the psychologist

If we were told a few years ago that we would take our dog to the psychologist, we probably wouldn’t believe it. But nowadays, thanks to several studies on the emotional world of furry animals , many owners seek a psychologist for their pet.

It is very important to keep in mind that our canine friends not only need food, water or shelter, but also love, companionship or opportunities to socialize with other dogs to be happy and have inner balance.

Not all cases need a psychologist

fear of the vet

It is clear that not all dogs need the help of an animal behavior specialist, but on occasion the intervention of a canine psychologist may be necessary.

Dogs are social animals and express their needs and mental states in different ways. Therefore, behavior problems that owners do not know how to solve can lead to traumatic situations.

When the animal spends a lot of time alone, without contact with other animals or with its human family, it can present behavioral problems. Cases like this are increasingly common and the number of patients seeking an animal behavior specialist has increased.

Dog Emotional Needs

Dogs share their daily lives with people very closely, especially in cities. They are animals with temperament, personality, intelligence and needs, which are not always just physical, but also emotional and psychological.

As with human beings, if the dog has a psychological problem that triggers behavioral disorders, it may be necessary to seek specialized help and canine ethologists and psychologists are the most indicated to deal with this type of problem.

Step by Step Help From a Canine Psychologist

Many owners do not know how to properly approach cases of dogs that, in certain situations, act inappropriately and out of the ordinary, thinking that it is just a rude dog.

In these cases, it is recommended to ask for professional assistance, starting with a consultation with a veterinarian for the specialist to advise us. There’s no reason to ignore a problem that might not solve itself.

When presenting psychological problems, the animal undergoes visible changes in its behavior, such as: lack of appetite, destructive behavior or repetitive movements. When faced with these symptoms, consult a professional as soon as possible.

canine depression

depression in dogs

One of the most common conditions in canine psychologists’ offices is depression. The symptoms are the same as in a depressed person: lack of mood and appetite or general loss of interest. Prevention is the best weapon to keep the risk of depression at bay. Therefore, it is essential that the dog has a good quality of life.

Especially for dogs that live in cities, which need to adapt to conditions that are not suited to their animal nature. If we look at the genetic level, our furry friends are not prepared to live in an apartment, accept the leash, or maintain a daily routine.

To alleviate this lack of adaptation to the urban environment, try to make the dog can develop its canine instincts, running in green areas, relating to other animals and their owners or taking long walks. These are opportunities and escape valves for the dog to maintain emotional balance and be happier.

Other countries

In certain European countries, where the level of awareness with animals is much higher than in Brazil, studies on animal behavior are more advanced and owners more easily seek help from a psychologist when necessary.

Other countries are also developing the use of pets in therapies for children with psychological problems, elderly people with Alzheimer’s or with other types of patients.

Some final tips

In certain cases, changing the owners’ inappropriate behaviors is enough to resolve the situation. It is possible, for example, that the hierarchy among the residents is not very well defined at home and the owners do not fulfill the role of head of the herd. This incorrect approach can lead to many behavioral problems, especially if the dog is too domineering.

It is also very helpful to ask the opinion of trusted people who have taken pets to a dog behavior expert.

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