A German Shepherd And A Baby Elephant, A Friendship That Goes Beyond Appearances

A German shepherd and a baby elephant, a friendship that goes beyond appearances

Animals don’t care about appearance, age, breed or species. This is proven by the story we’re going to tell you today: a German shepherd and a baby elephant who became friends.

Where did these two very different species come from? How did two beings so different from each other come to know each other? Let’s tell this story for you!

The Story of the German Shepherd and the Baby Elephant

This puppy lived in a shelter in South Africa. We are not sure if it was the pet of one of the handlers, or simply the pet of one of the volunteers who work there.

This reception center is dedicated especially to the rescue and rehabilitation of rhinos that were victims of hunting, a very common practice in Africa. However, when they learned of the existence of this baby elephant, they made an exception.

The baby elephant arrived at the shelter after being rejected by his family. Elephants are animals that live in herds, they don’t travel alone, so not having a family is devastating for them. Imagine how the little elephant felt!

After many attempts to emigrate with his family, he was rejected. When he tried to join another herd, he was rejected too. What was the reason for the rejection? It is not known, but apparently this baby elephant was born with a gigantic hernia inside him, caused by an infection in the umbilical cord.

Probably, this was the reason for the rejection suffered by the poor animail. Looks like he didn’t come into the world well.

A ray of hope arises for the baby elephant

They say that after the storm comes the calm. And this baby found some hope when he arrived at the rhino shelter in Tula Tula. 

Although caregivers thought he wouldn’t survive because of the size of his hernia, and because he was lactose intolerant, Ellie, the baby elephant, managed to regain her health.

The keepers did not cross their arms, even creating a mixture of components that would provide everything that was needed by the baby, and that could be a substitute for milk.

They provided the animal with the care it needed and, of course, the warmth and affection it needed. Before long, Ellie was in good health.

However, there was still another problem. As we explained before, for an elephant, not being part of a herd is devastating. This is part of their nature, they must live in a family. Now Ellie was alone, so despite being well physically, she was suffering from severe depression.

German shepherd’s friendship with baby elephant begins

At the right moment, this dog appeared, which saved Ellie from depression. He reached the place where he was lying and, as if by magic, the baby elephant regained his will to live.

A true friend loves all the time,
and is a brother we have for times of anguish

-Biblical proverb-

Regardless of species, race or appearances, the friendship of the German Shepherd and the baby elephant grew by leaps and bounds. Finally, Ellie already had a family! Small, but a family after all. Your little herd.

The keepers at the shelter are not sure if Ellie will be able to be happy and continue living thanks to this mini family that was formed between the German shepherd and the baby elephant.

Even though at this point they are happy and Ellie’s depression is over. It would not be the first case of an elephant that lives away from a herd because it has received the necessary love and care. We hope from the bottom of our hearts that the same will happen in Ellie’s case.

Another story that shows that friendship has no borders, that with love everything is possible, that affection breaks down barriers, and that if everyone were kind to each other, this world would be a better place, not only for animals, but also for us.

Image source: laopinion.com

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