Salmonellosis And Reptiles

Salmonellosis and reptiles

Salmonellosis and reptiles are closely related. Salmonella bacteria are present in many of these healthy animals and can be transmitted to humans. It is not a cause for alarm, but it is recommended to be aware of it and to take some precautions.

This disease is contagious to humans, so it is necessary to take care of cleaning, for example, terrariums. The most affected species are aquatic turtles.

Salmonellosis and reptiles

Salmonellosis is a zoonosis caused by bacteria of the Salmonella genus , enterobacteria that, despite being found in many species naturally, can cause a very problematic project of infection by contagion in the human species. These bacteria live in the intestines of animals and can contaminate different elements of the terrarium, including the animal’s skin. This disease is usually transmitted through contaminated food, especially eggs, but the lack of hygiene in terrariums can cause our reptiles to be the cause of infection.

Salmonellosis colonizes our digestive apparatus and causes diarrheal processes and systemic symptoms such as headache and fever. It causes even more damage to the immunodeficient population , the elderly and children.

turtle species

Prevention of salmonellosis

Prevention of this disease is relatively simple. It is based on hygiene measures and is summarized in a series of points:

  • It is essential to wash your hands after handling the animals, or anything related to them, such as terrarium or food.
  • For washing, it is recommended to use bactericidal disinfectants. We can consult our veterinarian about prevention.
  • This is especially important if, after dealing with reptiles, we are going to deal with food or areas related to them.
  • Reptiles should be in areas away from food storage or the kitchen in the house.
  • It is recommended to clean the terrariums outside the house, with water at room temperature and soap.
  • If this is not possible, do not clean in a room where food is handled, or use a disinfectant after cleaning.
  • Do not kiss or pass our animal across the face.
  • Keep the aquarium or habitat used with good hygiene.
  • Be even more careful with the precautions for children under five and the elderly: it is preferable that they do not touch the animal.

exotic animals reptiles

Following these basic precautions ensures that the transmission of salmonellosis is very difficult, and we will be able to live with our reptiles in perfect harmony. These hygiene standards are applicable to many other zoonoses and infectious diseases that affect both humans and animals.

Before buying a turtle

It is important to point out that these animals are often sold illegally and therefore can lead to more dangerous diseases. To avoid the dangers, we must always buy them legally.

Remember that a good way to confirm that they are legal is to buy pets larger than 4 inches, as pets smaller than that are definitely illegal.

turtle care

Most popular reptile species live to be over 20 years old and grow a lot. Therefore, we recommend getting informed before purchasing animals such as the iguana or the popular red-eared turtle. You will prevent many abandonments from these unique animals from happening.

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