Great Dane, A Peculiar Dog

Dogue Canario, a peculiar dog

Today, we know hundreds, even thousands of dog breeds. Each differs from the other, but they all have attractive features that make them special. Today, we’re going to tell you everything we know about a particular breed: the canary marsh.

Great Dane: its history and characteristics

history and origin

The Canary Dane comes from the Canary Islands. Legend has it that it was this breed of dog that gave the islands their name, not the other way around. This breed is said to have inhabited this area for a long time, and the word CAN, which comes from a dog (can-ary), gives clear evidence of this.

This dog arose from the crossing of Majoreros with Molossos dogs that were taken to the island, such as the Spanish Alano. What the breeders tried to achieve was a large dog, like the Dogo, but one that had the agility, will and ability to work of the Majoreros. And so the Great Dane appeared.

There are reports with dates from the 16th century in which reference is made to this breed. Even though, at that time, it was not yet a defined race, much less recognized, since its morphology was not uniform.

A little later, the breed began to gain popularity for its ability to work. They were used as guardians of homes, herds and property, as well as cattle dogs.

In the 18th century, the breed was almost extinct due to the influence of the British in the Canaries, who promoted dogfights. They were looking for big, strong and agile dogs, and all that the Great Dane had. Therefore, they were used for years for this purpose. Until, luckily, fights were banned in Spain.

Characteristics of the Great Dane

The Great Dane is considered a large dog, as well as the Dogo. Your height will always be less than your body length, which is robust and broad. The maximum height is 66 cm in males and 62 cm in females.

Their weight varies between 50 and 65 kilos in the case of males and between 40 and 55 kilos in the case of females.

Great Dane looking over the owner's shoulder

Source: Pero del Torro

The colors accepted are chocolate brown striped, light brown striped and white.

Its head is robust and has a muzzle that is shorter than the skull, being broad at the base and tapering as it approaches the nose. The tip will always be black. In the features of their face, the wrinkles that appear in the front when they are in an alert position stand out .

Its eyes are medium in size, usually dark or light brown in color. Yellows or other light colors are never accepted. Their ears fall out by nature and are very far apart.

With respect to the tail, it is of medium width, and is able to stand erect while the animal walks.

Dogue Canario personality

The Great Dane is a self-assured and very balanced dog. Your guardian instinct is one of your main characteristics. This is easy to understand, as this has been one of their main roles for years.

This instinct makes him be a little distant with those he doesn’t know, even if he is very affectionate with his family. He enjoys time with people he cares about.

Like every big dog, it will have to be socialized from the start, since otherwise it can use inordinate force if it is not taught to control it.

Care of the Great Dane

Because of their size, joints will suffer over the years if we don’t help you get a daily dose of exercise. A walk a day is essential to preserving your health.

As far as their fur is concerned, it’s not very long, but it’s very stiff. Therefore, combing once a week and washing every month is more than enough.

A dog without a doubt more than special, large in size, but with a lovely character. If you are thinking of adopting one, just know that you will have to socialize it, have a lot of space and also money, as it is an animal that eats a lot. Still, it is an ideal dog as a pet.

Source of images: Smok Bazyli and Perro del Torro.

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