5 Facts That Will Change The Way You View Farm Animals

5 facts that will change the way you view farm animals

As some of you know, farm animals that are found in places of livestock practice are often seen in a derogatory way by many people, who consider them just a food or a commodity.

However, there are facts that, when they become known to us, will change the way we see these beautiful beings. These are the five most impactful of them.

turkeys love music

Although it may seem a lie, these beautiful farm animals are true lovers of this sublime artistic expression, which makes them feel relaxed and helps to distract them, a fact that offers enormous benefits for their mental health.

As with dogs, these beings enjoy listening to music to the point where if we play a soft song for them, they will feel calmer and be able to sleep better.

Goats communicate with each other


In some television programs, especially in cartoons, it is common to see different types of animals talking to each other as if they were two ordinary people telling the events of their lives, a fact that although it represents communication between other species in the animal kingdom, it is not very true.

However, one of the few animals that also communicate in a relatively similar way to humans are goats, which emit sounds to make themselves understood among them, an act that for many people is quite peculiar.

The truth is that their bleats are decisive among this species, as it allows them to recognize the calls of others, especially in situations of danger.

Chickens are more interesting than you think

Unfortunately, the chicken has been greatly underestimated throughout history, which translates into the lack of knowledge of several details that make it one of the most interesting animals that exist, which are not only characterized by cackling and laying eggs.

To everyone’s surprise, chickens have the ability to remember clearly and in detail up to 100 faces, not only of others of their own species, but also of human beings.

In addition, this beautiful animal has the peculiarity of knowing how to use more than 200 sounds to communicate, which are of great help with your chicks, as before they break their shell, their mother will cackle and they will respond by chirping .

On the other hand, chickens are also very empathetic with animals of their own species, a fact that manifests itself mainly in situations of great danger, in which they make use of their experiences in order to help.

cows are extraordinary

Unlike what happens in the previous case, the cow is one of the farm animals about which we know almost all the qualities, to the point of being a sacred object in several countries around the world. However, there are some features that many people don’t know about.

On the other hand, this beautiful animal has the ability to build friendships with others of its own species, and that is why it is common to see them on the farm with a small group of companions.

Furthermore, as with dogs, this being has an impressive memory that makes him learn his name and respond to it.

Pigs are unique farm animals


While this may come as a surprise to some, the pig is one of the most amazing animals you can find on a farm. These are the main reasons:

  • Although it seems impossible to believe, it is the fifth smartest animal in the world, even smarter than dogs.
  • The mother sows sing to their little pigs as they suckle them.
  • Pigs, when sleeping, like to be together and stay in a nose-to-nose position.
  • They have an incredible sense of orientation, which makes them easy to find their way home, even if they are far away from home.

After discovering all this, do you still think the same about the animals we can find on farms?

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