Delicious Ice Cream Recipes For Dogs

Ice cream are ideal to enhance the hydration of our dogs during the summer. But be careful with the ingredients as they can harm you. You cannot use sugar, chocolate or coffee.
Delicious ice cream recipes for dogs

During the summer, our pets lose a lot of water. Therefore,  when the summer season approaches, we must be on the lookout to reinforce your hydration. An excellent way to achieve this is to prepare a delicious and refreshing ice cream for dogs.

Can dogs have ice cream?

At first, all dogs can enjoy a  delicious ice cream  on a hot summer day.

However,  when preparing ice cream for dogs, we should not add ingredients that are harmful to their health.

Therefore, in our recipes we will not use chocolate, coffee, sugar or artificial sweeteners.

The idea is to prepare healthy ice creams, with fruits that are beneficial to dogs, such as strawberries, apples, pears, peaches or blueberries.

We will also teach you how to prepare a savory, refined and practical ice cream that provides good quality and lean protein for your furry one.

dog eating ice cream

Also, as many adult dogs are allergic to lactose, we will not use milk in our preparations.

To obtain a creamy ice cream,  we can use vegetable milk (from rice, for example) or natural yogurt with little lactose.

Another excellent option is to use kefir to prepare a very nutritious ice cream for your dog. 

This natural probiotic stimulates intestinal transit, strengthens the  immune system  and prevents various pathologies.

Therefore, incorporating it as a natural supplement in your diet can be very beneficial, always with the proper guidance of your veterinarian.

Here  are four ice cream recipes for dogs that are very nutritious and easy to make.

owner offering ice cream for dog

Ice cream for dogs with tutti-frutti flavor

This ice cream is  ideal for combining the flavors and properties of two or more fruits beneficial to our furry ones.

In this recipe, we’ll use bananas, apples, and strawberries to provide high-quality fiber and vitamins.


  • ½ banana cut in medium slices
  • 1/2 apple cut into pieces and without seeds
  • 2 medium strawberries
  • ½ cup of vegetable rice milk
  • A pinch of powdered cinnamon


  • First,  mash the banana, apple and strawberry pieces. Then add rice vegetable milk.
  • Add a pinch of cinnamon and mix gently.
  • Put the mixture into the  shapes. Immediately cover the preparation with parchment paper or plastic wrap to avoid contamination.
  • Another option is to  make a small hole in the paper or film and insert a  toothpickThis way, we can hold the popsicles for dogs without getting our hands dirty when they are ready.
  • Now, take the molds to the freezer  and wait until the ice cream is ready to be served to our pet.

Zero lactose apple ice cream

This recipe is perfect for when we don’t have a lot of time and want to offer our dog a tasty ice cream.

In this preparation, we will only use apples, water and a form of ice cubes. As they  are made of water and not milk, they can be offered to all dogs.


  • 1 medium apple cut into pieces and without seeds
  • ½ cup of water at room temperature


  1. To prepare this ice cream for dogs, mash the apple pieces, without seeds, with water.
  2. Then place this processed mixture in the form of ice and place it in the freezer.
  3. When the ice cream is ready, just offer two or three cubes to your best friend, depending on their size and age.

Ice cream for dogs with chicken, potatoes and carrots

These ice creams for dogs are very tasty and  offer a good supply of proteins, minerals and vitamins. 

To prepare them, we will need a little more time than the previous recipes, but our pet will love the result.

This preparation is also  lactose-free,  but should not be offered to chicken allergic dogs.


  • 1 chicken breast. We can also use the thigh
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 medium potato
  • ½ tablespoon of oil (optional)
  • Water in required amount


  1. To start,  bring the chicken, carrots and potatoes to a boil with water in the necessary amount. When the ingredients are well cooked, turn off the heat and let it cool.
  2. Then grind  the ingredients with a little of the broth resulting from the boil, until you get a creamy porridge. If you like, you can add the olive oil at this point.
  3. Place the mixture in the popsicle molds or another container, then place in the freezer.
  4. When the dog ice creams are ready, serve them to your furry ones.

They will love the new thing!

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