7 Things You Can Do To Make Your Cat Really Happy

7 things you can do to make your cat very happy

As pet owners, we want them to feel comfortable, to be comfortable and, of course, to be happy. In the case of felines, it is more difficult to know how they feel, because they have a very characteristic way of expressing themselves. So, in this article, we’ll tell you what you can do to make your cat very happy.

Tips for your cat to be very happy at home

Dogs wag their tails and jump for joy when they see you coming. Cats are usually more resistant to displays of affection or express them when they feel like it. Therefore, our role as owners is to offer them everything necessary for them to be happy, although they do not show it with ardor.

1. Feed him well


Diet is essential for an animal to be healthy and strong. Also for your cat to be very happy. But be careful, because sometimes we are used to confuse showing love with overfeeding and the pussy begins to suffer from obesity. Offer an excellent quality feed and make sure it meets his age or other specific requirements. Do not forget to offer the amounts as directed by the veterinarian.

2. Take him to the vet

Even if your pet spends the entire day indoors, it could become ill. It is important then that he is seen by a doctor at least twice a year. The cat must be sterilized to avoid unwanted puppies and reduce the risk of suffering from feline HIV. When you take him home, don’t wait too long to give him all the vaccines and remember to give him a proper treatment to avoid fleas and ticks.

3. Keep it clean

We already know that cats are the most hygienic beings in the world. However, there are some habits humans can develop to help them keep their space even cleaner. The litter box or sanitary tray must remain free from aromas and debris. Cats are very sensitive to odors and, often, for not having the container in proper condition, they make their needs elsewhere. Therefore, it is essential to clean the sand once a day and change it weekly. This is important for your cat to be very happy.

4. Caress it

Cats love to interact with their owners, but provided they decide the right time. If he looks for you to pet him… seize the opportunity! The “allowed” areas are behind the ears, under the chin and on the sides of the nose. Don’t touch the paws or the tail, because that bothers you a lot. If he trusts you too much, he will allow you to scratch his tummy. Remember, cats don’t like to be touched for too long. If you see him start moving his tail from side to side, stop moving.

5. Give him freedom

This is not to say that you should let him do what he wants, but rather that you should take into account that cats need their own space and play to be happy. Let him entertain himself with something he can find, and encourage him with objects you have handy or bought for him. With a cardboard box, he will spend a few hours. If you have the space, you can prepare a kind of circuit for him, where he will go up and down on different surfaces. Allow him to look out the window to observe birds, people and everything that moves.

6. accompany you

your cat

Although cats have a much more solitary and nocturnal life, they always try to have moments to receive affection and warmth from other animals. A house cat that spends many hours alone at home may become depressed or bored. Therefore, we recommend that you carry out some of your activities with your pussy close to you. For example, watching television, reading or sitting in front of the computer. Leave him in your lap and pet him once in a while… He will be more than happy for this interaction!

7. let him out

In case you live in an apartment in the city, this will possibly be more complicated. You can allow him to go out on the balcony or terrace, as long as he has nowhere to escape or jump. If you have a garden or yard, this will be simpler. Cats are very fond of taking a nap in the sun, lying on the grass, as well as sometimes looking for a shady place protected from the rain. You can install a special door for him to come and go as he pleases.

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