Which Dog Breeds Are The Smartest?

The dog is an intelligent animal. That no one can deny. But among the different breeds of dogs, there are some more intelligent than others. Today we tell you about them and, even if you don’t have a pet, you might want to adopt a breed or find your friend’s dog on the list.

It is curious that, of the intelligent dog breeds that we bring today, almost all are large. This is not something that is scientifically proven, but who knows?

The smartest dog breeds

Australian cattle herder

A medium to large dog, weighing between 15 and 25 kilos. It is trained to drive cattle, hence the name. And it is because of his intelligence that he spends his whole life doing this work.

In order to do his job perfectly, he is trained as a bite dog. This consists of making this species bite the cattle firmly, but without causing any damage, in case an animal tries to escape.


The bad name these dogs gained was not their fault, but because of the bad training done by many owners. Its weight can reach 55 kilos.

It is a German race characterized by having a sublime intelligence, ideal to be trained for different activities. It is used as a pack dog, a defense dog and a police dog.


One of the little ones on the list, he is characterized by his delicacy, in addition to his intelligence.

Your auditory senses are highly developed and this helps you to understand the training you receive much more easily.


There is no doubt that this is one of the smartest dogs around. The proof of this is the training that many receive to become guide, police or rescue dogs, among others.

You are obedient, loving and patient. A blend of unique qualities that make it so special.


An animal that, due to its intelligence, is trained to be a police, watchman or guard dog. It is docile despite its fierce appearance, so training them is simple and quick.

Although many people believe it to be an aggressive breed, this is due to poor training. In fact, it is so docile and obedient that it has even been used in therapy to help patients.

Golden retriever

This dog, much like the Labrador, is very intelligent and, therefore, is trained as a rescue dog, drug detector and guide dog. In addition, it is also able to recover animals injured in hunts, as they have enough sensitivity to drag them without hurting them.

German Shepherd

The king of intelligent dogs could not be missing from our list . The German Shepherd is one of the smartest in the world and demonstrates this through his ability to learn whatever job he is given.

Police dog, anti-drug, child therapy, and a million other things.


That’s another little one on the list. On lists similar to this one, it ranks second, right after Bordie Collie.

Its intelligence is accentuated by its high concentration power, which facilitates the learning and development of activities assigned to it.

These are the smartest dog breeds. If you are thinking about adopting, don’t think too much and choose one of these now. If you found your pet on the list, how lucky! Not everyone has the pleasure and privilege of having a smart dog. 

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