Buenos Aires Zoo To Become An Eco Park

The Buenos Aires Zoo will be transformed into an Eco Park

“Nothing is lost, everything is transformed”, says a popular phrase. And that is how  the Buenos Aires Zoo began to transform itself into an Eco Park. In keeping with the current trend of respecting animal rights more and having a friendlier relationship with the environment, the Argentine capital seems to join, in this way, what has been happening in other large cities.

A work that will improve the lives of animals in the zoo in the Argentine capital

Inaugurated in 1875 in the Palermo neighborhood, the Buenos Aires Zoo soon became a regular tour for locals and tourists eager to see exotic animals. From the old cages where felines and other species spent their days incarcerated, the place evolved and became a space where, in most cases, people tried to recreate the natural habitat of the specimens on display.

But the truth is that, in any case, they were beings deprived of their freedom. Many had to endure conditions very different from their place of origin. This was the case with a polar bear who died in 2012 in the heat of summer.

Excavator working in the Buenos Aires Zoo area

Source: Buenos Aires Zoo Facebook

It is worth clarifying that, in addition,  what was a quiet place away from the city center at the time of its creation, ended up isolating itself in mid-transit of this great South American metropolis . Sound contamination was also becoming a problem for some animals.

Goodbye to the Buenos Aires Zoo, hello, Eco Parque

That’s why, as of this September 2017, the Buenos Aires Zoo closed its doors. All this to reopen them, it is assumed that in two years, transformed into an Eco Park. In these 24 months, the first of the three stages planned for the work will be carried out.

Currently, the place houses 1,300 animals, and the idea is that only around 300 remain. They have already transferred 350 to more than suitable places. An elephant will soon be transferred to a sanctuary in Mato Grosso. And around 130 deer and antelope will go to the  Wildlife Breeding Station  in “La Plata”, capital of the province of Buenos Aires.

In the now ex-zoo, residents who, for reasons of age or health, cannot be transported will remain. But the goal is to considerably improve their quality of life. The idea is that the Eco Park also has native species, always thinking about rescue, rehabilitation and creation. All from an educational role and no longer recreational.

For more green space in the middle of a big city

On the other hand,  modifications will be carried out in the facilities, but taking care that these works do not disturb the animals. In any case, the future complex will conserve the 52 buildings considered as Historical Heritage and which, in addition, will be restored.

Buenos Aires Eco Park

Source: Buenos Aires Zoo Facebook

The ends of the park will be part of the 12 hectares of open access that are being planned. It is expected to increase the green space by 24% and reduce concrete paths by 40%.

Within this first stage, infrastructure works for the care of the species that will inhabit the Eco Park are also included. These include, for example, the veterinary hospital and the animal nutrition room.

The former zoo in Buenos Aires will reopen its doors as an Eco Park in two years

Although, at first, it had been thought that the place would remain open to the public during the renovation, a temporary closure was chosen. At least during the first stage, which should be completed in September 2019.

The current efforts are to preserve the animals from the aggressions that can generate the large movement of machinery and personnel involved in the demolition and construction of different buildings.

It is important to note that  all public notices for the work have an animal welfare annex. A technical team is in charge of defining the work plan to disturb the inhabitants of the now Eco Park in the capital of Argentina as little as possible.

Photo source: Facebook Eco Parque Interativo de Buenos Aires

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