Dogs And Cats Rescued In The Bronx

Dogs and Cats Rescued in the Bronx

Different police actions in the Bronx, United States, managed to collect from the streets many animals waiting for a home, dogs and cats without owners. Among the dogs collected, there are different types, breeds, ages, etc. Some of them with signs of abuse. There are also puppies and elderly dogs.

The solution that the Bronx police found for these animals is to transport them to Zoonoses centers, as well as to develop sterilization actions, necessary so that these animals can be placed for adoption.

The sheltered animals, which were rescued in the Bronx neighborhood, are highly friendly and sociable. After their rescue, they receive different care, such as bathing, medical examination, healthy food, deworming, vaccination. They then go through the process of sterilization and microchip identification, so those who have owners can be returned to them and those who don’t can be adopted as soon as possible.

A very common problem worldwide, not just in the Bronx



We can find this problem of abandonment in most countries. Street dogs are, unfortunately, one of the most common images of the streets, mainly due to people’s irresponsibility.

There are many reasons that lead to abandonment: the arrival of a baby in the house, the beginning of the school period (which assumes that the children in the house will no longer be able to take care of the pet), changes in routine and changes in the house, etc. .

How to act with a stray dog

If we come across the terrible case of a stray animal, who is so afraid of people that he doesn’t even let us get close, there are different actions we can take to help him:

  • The first thing we have to do is have a collar with a leash, old blankets and shirts, as well as some products and foods that are very appetizing for them.
  • On our approach, we will leave the food at a prudent distance and move away.
  • In the next phase of our approach, we will sit next to the animal, neither too close nor too far away, and maintain a totally conciliatory attitude. Although we may think not, the dog will notice our attitude yes.
  • Very gently, we will bring the food closer to the dog.
  • When we have your confidence and we can reach your neck, we will adjust the collar. If you don’t have a collar, you have no choice but to try to tie the animal to you in some way. All this without aggression or violence, as friendly as possible.
  • When we’ve got the dog, we’ll take him home . If your skin is badly treated with some illness, infections, etc., it is important to cover the animal with blankets or used clothes, so as not to hurt its dermis.
  • Once in our home, we will start to feed you with the homemade food we have. As for animal feed and preparations for animals, it is important to consider that a stray animal ate leftovers of all kinds. If we suddenly switch to commercial pet food, we can give our new friend indigestion. The process of adapting to a new diet must be progressive.
  • A bed full of cloths, warm and minimally comfortable will suffice at first.
  • As soon as possible (the next day, in order to make the newcomer “get used” a little to his new owner) we will take him, without fail, to a veterinary clinic. If there is no money or willingness to spend it at the clinic, we can ask for the collaboration of animal protection organizations, with photo publications on social networks, etc. It is also possible to make some kind of draw, raffle, etc.

The purpose is adoption



The ultimate goal of collecting stray dogs and cats is to hand over the animal to a new family once it has been spayed. After many studies carried out, it was possible to reach the conclusion that the key to avoiding the abandonment of animals and for us to stop seeing the streets full of abandoned pets is neutering. With it we will fight against animal overpopulation.

Another very useful point is the education of children, who are the future protectors or aggressors of animals. The learning that children receive today will determine their future actions. They must assimilate respect for animals.

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