The Usefulness Of The “Loosen” Order

The usefulness of the "Loosen" order

Dogs don’t have the same understanding and reasoning abilities that we have.  Therefore, it is useful to teach him with brief and clear words, which by themselves contain an order. These can be orders such as:

  • Sit down;
  • Comes;
  • Lies down;
  • Leaves;

But there is a similar word that can be very useful, let’s see which one, what it is for and how to teach our dog to obey.

Released, what is it for?

dogs biting each other

Author: Mekanoid

Dogs must learn a series of orders from their owner that make them see who has control over them. The word “loose” will be of great use to us on many occasions. For example:

  • So that you don’t eat at home what you shouldn’t. Admittedly, whenever you’re cooking, your dog is hovering around you like an automatic vacuum that wants to absorb everything. But we know that many of the foods we consume can be harmful to the stomach of dogs, so we try to avoid as much as possible that he consumes them. Especially if they are small dogs with an especially delicate stomach, such as Yorkshire or Pomeranians.

    The “loose” order will be of great use to us on this occasion, although once your dog learns it, you should use it whenever you see him picking something up off the kitchen floor so he doesn’t forget who’s boss.

    • When to pick up some of our objects, like our shoes. How many times have you played running like your dog so that he would give you back your shoes, or a coat that accidentally fell to the ground, or a book of your child that he accidentally left within reach of the animal? If you teach your dog to obey the “let go” order, you will never find yourself in this situation again, however fun it may seem at first.
    • When you pick up trash from the street. In the street there is an infinity of spoiled food, as well as stones, papers, sweets and a huge amount of things that, under no circumstances, your dog should put in his mouth. The “release” order will be very useful on these occasions, as it can even prevent your dog from contracting illnesses by eating what he shouldn’t and that is in poor condition.
    • When you pick up another dog’s toy. The famous biblical phrase “There is more happiness in giving than in receiving” does not apply to animals. They have a group mentality and desire to be the leader of the group, so if something is theirs, it’s theirs and period, there’s no other option and you don’t have friends when it comes to your possessions.

    What do we mean by this? That if your dog, no matter how calm and innocent it may be, goes in search of another dog’s belongings, such as a toy or a ball, the owner of the object will turn against him, as he will have this as a betrayal.

    This will generate a fight, which will win the strongest, but it can have disastrous consequences for both animals.

    If your dog learns to obey the word “let go” it could save his life and possibly even someone else’s dog.

    • When you bite the strap while walking. How unpleasant it is when you walk your dog and he’s determined to bite his head off! You look up at the sky and start whistling like it’s not you, wishing no one would look at you right now, and you think you’d better leave that silly dog ​​there, playing with his leash.

      How to Teach Your Dog to Obey the “Loosen” Order

      dog playing with owner

      The best known way to teach a dog to obey the “release” order is to play. Toss a ball or some other object that you will then jokingly ask him to drop while throwing the object. In this way, the dog will understand what “loose” means and what you want him to do when you say that word to him.

      Now, you shouldn’t be the one to take the object out of your mouth;  he should be the one who lets go and you’ll have to repeat the action, over and over again, until you get him to let go the first time you ask him to.

      This will take time, patience, perseverance and affection, but we are certain that the love you feel for your pet will motivate you to show all these qualities.

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