Dogs Come From The Stars

dogs come from the stars

The stars, precious place… Inspiring for this story. On one occasion a boy asked his daddy: “Where do daddy dogs come from? ”. The father did not know how to answer, since, although he was a great animal lover, he had never investigated this question. His answer was: “Dad doesn’t always have an answer for everything, but give me a few minutes and I’ll answer that, okay? ”.

The boy, though sad, agreed. The child kept looking at the clock during his father’s absence, anxious for his return. When the boy’s father returned, the answer he brought was not to the boy’s liking: “They come from the wolves,” said the father. “This is not true! shouted the boy as he entered his room, slamming the door.

Where do dogs come from?


The father didn’t understand anything, but he let the boy calm down a bit before going after him. The boy’s crying was getting farther away until it died away. Sweetly, the father asked permission to come in and find out what was going on.

“Dogs cannot come from daddy wolves,” said the boy. The father then looked at the child in amazement and then asked for an explanation.

“Wolves don’t love us, if they see us in the woods, they’re bad for us, they don’t obey orders and don’t let themselves be caressed by us. We couldn’t have a wolf in the house, right? ”

The boy’s explanation was not entirely wrong, so the father tried to think of an answer that would convince his little one more. In his search, he found information about something he didn’t know about: the star Sirius.

the star Sirius

This star is situated in a constellation called Canis Major (Major). As Sirius is the biggest star in this constellation, she is also known as the “Dog Star”.

It is said that in ancient Egypt it was believed that certain gods, with canine forms, came from this constellation. But it was not these gods that the Egyptians feared, these they loved and respected.

“Well, that won’t be at odds with what my son said,” thought the father. Now he had an exciting story to tell his son!

dogs come from the stars

As soon as the father finished his research, he called his son and sat him on his lap. And then he started telling her about the stars.

“The stars play a very important role in our existence. They light up our lives, take care of us when we need their good energy, cheer us up when we’re sad, wink at us when we look at them and I’m sure that although we can’t see them, they smile at us too. Is there someone you know who makes you feel that way? ”.

“Toby!, my friend and my beloved dog” – the boy’s smile showed that he was enchanting with his dad’s story.

“Come on, I’ll show you something.” The father grabbed him in his arms and carried him to the terrace. He then showed the boy the constellation Canis Major and tried to make him see the star Sirius. Tenderly, the father explained to him that all the dogs came from there.

“That’s why Hunter left, right Daddy? He had to return home…”


Hunter was his deceased dog, who was run over by a car. The boy was very ill with the situation. His father now understood that his son’s commitment was to find solace for his pain.

“It’s just that if dogs come from the stars, they have to return to them,” said the boy.

His father didn’t understand what the boy was getting at, but the boy continued with his theory.

“That means God lends us, but if everyone stayed forever, who would light up the sky during the nights? ”. The father hugged him and realized once more the innocence of his son.

Although, in fact, your son was not wrong to believe that dogs come from the stars, because they light up our lives, take care of us when we need their good energy, cheer us up when we are sad, wink at us when we look at them and I am of course, although we can’t see it, they smile at us too.

Since we were little, we always wanted someone to give us the moon. Now you have your own star at home. Take care of her with your soul, because even if one day she returns home, she will still love you.

Do you already have your own star?

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