Advice For Caring For A Blind Dog

Advice for taking care of a blind dog

A dog blind, whether by birth, illness or age, can be very happy. It is important to follow a series of guidelines to increase your quality of life. It is worth noting that your senses of smell and hearing are highly developed.

Over the years, pets’ senses deteriorate, vision and hearing are the most affected. Although we think that having a blind dog is a problem, the truth is that  your life can go on in much the same way if we take into account certain issues, such as not having objects that can interfere with its walk. In this article, we will give you advice for your care.

Recommendations for having a blind dog

Of course, it  is not the same thing to have a dog that has been blinded by age or an illness as an animal that has been born in this condition.  It also doesn’t matter if you’ve lived in the same house since a puppy or if you’ve recently arrived.

In any case, it  is essential that we ensure that we offer you everything you need and that your days are as peaceful and comfortable as possible.  Pay attention to these tips for having a blind dog:

  1. don’t overprotect it

One of the first reactions of owners when their pet is blind is to want to protect it from all harm, without realizing that, in many cases, this attitude is negative. Even if the animal does not see, it can also continue to live happily and be self-sufficient.

Dogs are not aware of their new ‘state’ and adapt as they develop their other senses. Therefore, we cannot forget that  smell and hearing  will be used a lot by them in any situation.

Therefore,  allow him to develop, to play, to sniff, to sleep wherever he wants…  Because, for him, life remains the same, save for one ‘detail’: blindness.

  1. make small changes at home

Following the above advice, it is not recommended that you restructure the location of all furniture to prevent the animal from tripping over any. Don’t forget that the dog has lived in this environment for a long time  and we can say that he ‘knows by heart’ every chair, table or bed there.

Of course, we  must pay attention and remove objects that could be dangerous for your health out of the way,  but everything else must stay in the same place. Try to maintain order and cleanliness at all times, and if there are stairs, you should secure or close them in such a way that your pet does not fall.

  1. leave your stuff in the same place

Dogs need a routine, whether blind or not, as this way they will be more peaceful and obedient. Therefore, you should not move your personal belongings: bed, food bowl, water container, toys, etc. This will get him used to it and orient himself better in the house.

In addition, it would be good if you played with it as you are used to: for example, when you return from work or while watering the plants. Remember that the animal doesn’t understand what happened and for him everything remains the same, so don’t let him get depressed for lack of affection, attention and fun.

  1. take him to the park

One of the common mistakes among owners of blind dogs is never taking them out of the house, out of fear for their safety.  However, it is critical that an animal in this condition have contact with others in a park or outdoor space.

blind mutt dog

In addition,  the tours are ideal for him to change his environment, release his energy, be entertained and, above all, be happy.  To avoid any inconvenience, carry it with the strap and pay attention when crossing the street. You will be the guide, you will be your dog’s eyes at all times.

  1. stimulate your other senses

Having a blind dog is, without a doubt, a challenge and, perhaps, at times, we don’t know how to act. In order for your pet not to depend so much on you, it would be good to teach him to use his sense of smell and hearing more.  By developing both senses further, he will not notice the difference between the present and the past.

Offer him objects with your scent, let him sleep in his own blankets, speak loudly and clearly to him, and before you touch him, you’ll have to show him that you’re close (so he won’t be scared). Some people carry some accessories that make noise to alert the animal to their presence.

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