Leki’s Life Took A 180 Degree Turn In 45 Days

Leki's life took a 180 degree turn in 45 days

In another article on our blog, we talked about El Refugio , which is a non-profit entity in Madrid that rescues, cures, helps and protects animals that have been mistreated and/or abandoned. This story, the story of Leki, has a lot to do with them. Would you like to know more? Then read the rest of the article!

In addition to El Refugio, there was another person involved who was able to show that by contributing just a small grain of sand, we can help a lot to save large numbers of animals.

Leki and his date with someone

Leki is a puppy that was abandoned full of wounds. It is not known for sure if they were their former owners or perhaps other stray dogs. The sad thing is that Leki was in a sorry state and about to leave for the better.

Luckily, a neighbor in the vicinity of Riogordo, in Malaga, where Leki was, found him and began to feed him and offer him water every day. However, the girl noticed that one day Leki was much worse. But she didn’t have the means to take him to the vet. Nevertheless, he decided to take him to his house.

At least there he would be warm while she decided what to do. The girl remembered that she had seen on television talk about El Refugio. I mediately, she called the team. They didn’t hesitate, hearing of the situation, and quickly went to Malaga to help Leki.

Soon they started work and took him to a veterinarian who recommended that the puppy be euthanized. He stated that his condition was pitiful and that if he were to remain alive, his suffering would only be prolonged. However, volunteers from El Refugio  did not comply with the verdict.

So they took him to their center. Although it was not an easy task, work began.

Leki and around the world in 45 days

The treatment started and although the results were very slow, Leki soon started walking. At first, it was difficult, but the improvement was already visible. Little by little his fur grew and his wounds were healing. After two weeks, the changes were visible. 

However, there was still a way to go, as they expected Leki’s full recovery. Little by little, with great care and patience, the center’s volunteers gained their trust. With that, his spirits also improved, which provided a faster recovery.

Today, Leki, thanks to El Refugio  and the volunteers who did not follow the veterinarian’s recommendations, has become a healthy, beautiful and happy puppy. Forty-five days after his rescue,  he was completely healthy and looking for a new home to be adopted and given the love and affection he deserves.

As you can see, below we will share the video that shows the spectacular change that this cute little dog went through in just over 45 days. And to think they still wanted to sacrifice him.

What is El Refugio?

The El Refugio  was established in 1996, being a non-profit organization that values of animal welfare and the leaves in his defense whenever deem necessary.

Since then, the entity has rescued hundreds of animals and found new homes so that they feel loved and happy. In addition, it offers to all those who wish, the possibility of being members for only 3 euros at least, which are used for food, veterinary assistance and other expenses that the animals generate while they are in the adoption process. 

El Refugio was born when several founding members of the institution learned that in the community of Madrid, Spain, abandoned animals were legally sacrificed if a home for the animal was not found within ten days. Ten days was too little! That’s how El Refugio was born for that, Leki, many other animals and we too, who love these wonderful beings, have a lot to be thankful for.

Main image source: www.elmundo.es

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