Adopt Or Buy Pets?

The pet market is large and there are sellers and buyers of all kinds. To avoid fraud and to achieve animal welfare, it will be necessary to make a good choice. Adopt or buy?
Adopt or buy pets?

There are many families who share their lives with animals. Dogs and cats are leaders in popularity, but there is also room for rabbits, birds, spiders, snakes and fish. When looking for a new pet, you may ask yourself: is it better to adopt or buy pets?

This is a market with a lot of demand. Therefore, buying and selling pets is a very profitable business that moves a lot of money around the world.

At the same time that domestic dogs and cats are “the most sought after”, the number of abandoned animals or that, for whatever reason, end up living on the streets is very high.

Therefore, part of the awareness campaigns carried out by animal protection organizations focuses on promoting adoption.

Reasons to Adopt a Pet: Neutralizing the Alarming Number of Abandonments

The number of abandoned animals only grows each year. These animals need to be accommodated in new homes, with new families. They are animals that will be eternally grateful to whoever comes to their aid.

Adopting a pet from a shelter is not only adding another member to their family, they are also contributing to the solution of a very dramatic problem.

Buying and selling pets: a profitable business?

It is true that many people who wish to include a pet in their families  seek out specimens of specific breeds, a wish that is also legitimate. When it comes to specimens with high demand, it is more likely to turn to the animal sales market.

shop selling pets

The problem with this type of action is that  many who are dedicated to breeding think only about money and leave the health and welfare of animals in the background. These suppliers do not show much interest in investing in high quality infrastructure, food or medicines.

However,  not everyone who participates in this business is unscrupulous. There are also true animal lovers who, in addition to earning a living with the purchase and sale of pets, are concerned with offering them the best possible care, without saving on expenses when necessary.

Anyone can buy, not everyone can adopt pets

With some exceptions, the  pet vendors do not bother to investigate whether their customers are able to keep a pet. They do not ask about the housing conditions, nor do they have time to visit the animal’s new home.

Protectors do not hand over an animal for adoption without thoroughly reviewing the history of the adopter. They want to ensure they are people with no history of abuse or abandonment of animals.

They can even coordinate visits to interested parties’ addresses and verify that they meet the minimum requirements to welcome a new member.

Adoption of adult animals

This is an unwritten rule. When a family considers adopting or acquiring a pet, it usually thinks of a puppy. Many believe that the smaller the better.

This way, you can more easily educate and mold the animal, according to the beliefs and customs of the family.

dog waiting to be adopted

However,  the fact of choosing an animal with some time of life has its advantages, derived from the adequate planning and the definition of what you are looking for. Most of the animals waiting in shelters are adults who have lived with humans and have some education.

Sometimes this educational factor can lead to unpleasant and inappropriate behavior, but it almost always implies that they  are pets who already control the most basic aspects. For example, where and when to do your physiological needs.

We must also remember that adult dogs and cats have less ‘outing’ in safe houses. They are often sacrificed due to the impossibility of finding families willing to receive them.

If you are in doubt between adopting or buying pets, consider giving a new opportunity to animals that have unfortunately been abandoned and need a family to care for them and offer their love.

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