Popular Cat Stories

These stories, although they may be fictional, reflect how much fun coexistence between felines and their owners can be.
popular stories about cats

Cats are very special animals that arouse enormous interest and curiosity in all of us. For this reason, there are many legends, stories and myths in popular culture that involve these felines, their instinctual abilities and their supposed ‘extrasensory’ powers. Next, we’ll look at some popular stories about cats, their appearance, behavior, and relationships with humans.

2 popular stories about cats

1. A cat, its owner and an unusual visit to the veterinarian

On a day like any other, a woman of a certain age enters a veterinary clinic carrying a cat in a shipping crate. The woman asks to speak to the veterinarian about a very urgent problem she has to report.

cat in the shipping box

The woman claims that her sister, during the previous week, woke up with a worm in her bed. Upon hearing the story, and without fully understanding why the woman was seeing him, the professional suggests that the sister see a doctor. And he immediately asks you the reason for your visit to his clinic…

But the woman has not finished her story and continues to explain the problem. Then, she says that her sister had already gone to the doctor, that she had prescribed an antiparasitic medication. In fact, she had already taken the medication over the weekend, the night before, and that same day.

Already feeling tired of the incoherent story, the vet says it seems perfect for his sister to follow her doctor’s orders. However, again, the woman still hadn’t finished her story…

The woman goes on to say that her sister had taken a ten-foot worm from the kitten (an image that is not at all pleasant to imagine). And then the vet replies that there are tapeworms from cows and pigs that can measure even more.

It wasn’t the worm, it was the cat

The woman continues with her story, always very nervous… She says that her sister had placed the huge worm in a pot to show it to her doctor. Of course, the vet asks what the doctor said when he saw such a worm.

However, the woman says that they were unable to reach the doctor with the worm because the cat had eaten it. So her vet visit was to see what she could do with her feline after that nasty episode with the worm.

2. A charming house, a chubby cat and an unexpected ending

On the fifth floor of a very charming building lived a woman in her late 60s. The woman, who was always very well dressed, was the proud owner of a black kitten named Cindy.

a chubby cat

One day, the woman goes to a veterinary clinic, very worried about her kitten’s excess weight and nervousness. According to her, Cindy had gained weight quickly and was more restless than usual.

The veterinarian asks a few questions to check for symptoms but finds no signs of illness. Then, he asks the woman if the cat has ever been neutered. The woman replies that she didn’t like the idea of ​​neutering her animals and that, as a result, Cindy had never been operated on.

The veterinarian proceeds with a thorough physical examination, especially of the kitten’s abdomen. After palpating the belly and detecting the presence of fully developing fetuses, the doctor looks at the woman and says: “But lady, is your cat pregnant and you didn’t tell me anything?”

Showing some irritation at the professional’s question, the woman answers: “No, sir, that’s impossible. Cindy never leaves my apartment.” Of course, the vet made an astonished face and, for a few seconds, doubted his own diagnosis.

But Cindy wasn’t so alone…

The veterinarian, looking out the window, noticed a large and beautiful cat in the window of a neighboring apartment. So he asks his client: “I’m sorry ma’am, but you didn’t tell me you have another cat in your apartment.”

– “You didn’t ask me that, doctor. Yes, as a matter of fact, I have another cat in the house”, the woman replied in a tone that was between tired and irritated.

– “I beg your pardon, ma’am, but tell me: is this cat male or female?” The vet asks with clear relief when he realizes that his veterinary knowledge hadn’t failed him.

As you might be guessing, the woman replies that she has a male cat. With a slight smile on his face, the vet asks if the other kitten has been neutered.

– “Doctor, I already told you that I don’t like to neuter my animals. My kitten is whole”, answers the woman again, with some irritation in her tone.

Faced with this answer, the veterinarian informs that the cats had crossed and that Cindy was pregnant. With complete and true horror upon hearing this statement, the woman says with great confidence:

– “Impossible, doctor, he is her brother”.

Drawing on these fun folk stories about cats, we remind you of the importance of maintaining effective reproductive control of our kittens. Also, remember to give your pets proper preventative medication throughout their lives.

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