Recommended Diet For A Dog With Kidney Failure

Even though this disease can have other causes, to avoid further damage it is necessary to adopt an adequate diet for the animal.
Recommended Diet for a Dog with Kidney Failure

A dog with kidney failure is quite common, and in fact it is considered one of the most common illnesses in older dogs. This problem has a lot to do with food, and it is necessary to adapt our animal’s nutritional needs to the functionality of its kidney.

Dog with kidney failure: characteristics of the disease

Kidney failure causes the kidneys not to perform their function completely, which causes multiple consequences for the body, since the kidney is the filter our body has to eliminate the various toxins and waste that accumulate in the blood.

Although kidney failure can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as circulatory problems or toxins, the fact is that it is more common to see a dog with kidney failure when the animal is of an advanced age. Typically, the dog is chronically affected due to kidney wear and other illnesses such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

The good thing is that, by having two kidneys, a dog with kidney failure usually compensates for the loss of functionality of one of them by both. However, it must be supported by a correct diet so as not to reach the point of renal deterioration without return.

Dog with kidney failure: consequences, diagnosis and treatment

A dog with kidney failure will have concentrated urine, excessive thirst and even emaciation, as it often eats little. They can have other, more serious symptoms, such as vomiting and ammoniacal breathing, which is why this disease is sometimes confused with urinary infections.

Obviously, the first thing to be done when there is a suspicion of kidney failure is to go to the vet, who will tell us the appropriate steps to follow, starting with the diagnosis of the disease through a blood test. 

Dog with kidney failure: recommended diet

Since diet is one of the most important factors to treat a dog with kidney failure, it is necessary to dedicate part of this text to clarify a series of points about the nutrition of the sick animal.

urinary incontinence in dogs

This diet must allow for proper hydration, both through wet food and through water, and we must be especially careful with minerals such as sodium and phosphorus, and with nutritional elements such as proteins. Everything must be limited, even if the proteins are more than necessary, but they must be of high quality.

It is important to emphasize that food should never be salted, and that it should have little phosphorus. Therefore, we should not offer liver, fish, cheese, dairy or vegetables to our animal. Boiled rice and lean meats such as chicken can be an excellent choice if they are part of your veterinarian’s recommended diet. Even the egg can be a good option. We are looking for quality proteins that allow the kidney to work.

It is important not to give your pet common rations. They often have poor quality proteins that don’t even come from meat and can make a dog with kidney failure a lot worse off. Following professional advice about our pet’s diet will allow it to live for many years, even if its kidneys are compromised.

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