Seahorse: A “little Horse” At Sea

Physically, it can be said that this animal is a species that mixes characteristics of different animals. It’s a fish that has the head and muzzle of a horse. The prehensile tail of a monkey. A kangaroo’s bag. Furthermore, the eyes have independent mobility, like those of a chameleon. Finally, this animal inhabits warm tropical waters.
Seahorse: a "little horse" at sea

Its scientific name (Hippocampus) is the combination of two Greek terms:  hippos  – which means horse – and  kampos , which means sea monster.  In this article, we’ll tell you all about the seahorse, a really fascinating animal.

Seahorse characteristics

With over 50 known species, the seahorse is a very different fish from the others. To begin with,  your body moves “vertically” as if it were stationary. In addition, this animal boosts itself with its dorsal fin  (on its back) and using its pectoral fins (behind its head) to assist.

In addition, there are other characteristics of this species. The seahorse  is covered with a kind of “armor” of thick rings or plates. Also, these animals can mimic algae by changing their color. This is essential to fleeing predators. After all, this animal of at most 30 centimeters in length – the smallest species are only 14 millimeters – swims slowly.

In turn, your breathing is through the gills. He communicates with others through the “clicks” he produces by moving his head; like a horse. Also, these animals have nostrils that filter water.

Seahorse Habitat and Feeding

The seahorse inhabits shallow tropical waters, with warm and warm temperatures. They are usually found among corals, both in the Atlantic Ocean and in the Indo-Pacific and Red Sea.

Seahorse feeding

As for their diet, seahorses are predators of small invertebrates. Thus, they depend on their independently mobile eyes to recognize prey. The elongated muzzle and quick movement of the head allow them to “suck” the food  and swallow it whole, as they have no teeth.

Seahorse reproduction

Undoubtedly, one of the reasons why the seahorse is best known around the world is because of its  reproduction. After all, it goes against what is customary in other species.

Seahorse reproduction

From there, begins the different and extraordinary form of reproduction of this species.

The female transplants the eggs to the male’s “belly” so that they develop  and are well protected. This entire process takes just six seconds. The intention is to ensure genetic monogamy. The litter is the result of the union of these two beings alone.

Gestation can last between 10 days and 6 weeks, depending on the seahorse species and the sea temperature. When the necessary time passes,  the male grabs his tail to some object on the ocean floor. After that, he contracts his body to free the chicks. Delivery can take several hours. Also, puppies are identical to their parents. However, they are born with a maximum length of 11 millimeters.

Without a doubt, the seahorse is a mixture of several animals at the same time.  The head and snout of a horse, the eyes of a chameleon, the bag in the belly like a kangaroo and a prehensile tail like a monkey… On top of that, this animal moves upright like a person, supported by a spine.

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