The Scratches Of Knots In The Coat Of Our Pets

The scratches of knots in the coat of our pets

Brushing our dog or cat daily is not simply a matter of aesthetics, it also serves to improve their lifestyle. Although you may not believe this, knots in our pets’ coats pose many risks to their health. In this article, we tell you what these risks are:

Why untie the knots in pets’ fur?

Even if you have a dog or cat with short fur, you should also brush it to remove dead hairs and avoid bad smells. In the case of pets with long fur, it is essential to brush their fur every day. This prevents knots from forming. Remember that knots grow over time and “stick” to the animal’s skin.

One of the main problems with knots in the coat is that they create a layer that does not allow the dermis to “breathe”. Furthermore, they facilitate the formation of a favorable environment for the proliferation of fungi and bacteria. If we bathe a dog with matted fur, instead of improving the situation, we are making it worse. His skin will be moist and not dry properly.

The fur of animals forms knots due to the daily activities they perform, when no one is willing to untie them. The areas where these “sticky hair pieces” most often appear are: between the hind legs, in the groin, behind the ears, on the hips, on the neck and under the front legs.

If a suitable shampoo is not used and the tangle of hairs on the animal’s skin is untied, it can suffer a lot. In some cases, it is necessary to use very sharp scissors to remove all the hair. But this causes a lot of pain, mainly because it is not known where the skin starts and where the knot ends.

Hair tangles on dogs or cats can be removed with a special comb. Even if the animal complains or doesn’t stay quiet, this is a routine that we must implement if it is common to form knots in its coat.

Keep in mind that in pets with lymph nodes close to the skin that are uncomfortable, the nodes should be removed by a specialist.

Step by step to untie your pet’s coat knots

Since a knot is not just an aesthetic problem, but can interfere with your health, it is essential to brush your pet every day, or at least several times a week. If you don’t remember, you can set an alarm. Enjoy watching television on your way home or while you wait for dinner to be ready.

In case you haven’t had time or haven’t noticed the formation of knots, pay attention to these tips:

1.If it’s not too tight and it moves, the knot can be untied without problems using your fingers first. Discard the comb, as it can make the situation even worse.

2. Prepare a hot water bath for your pet after you have reduced the knots in the fur. Bathe him with dog shampoo and apply special conditioner to his hair. Let it work on the fur for 5 minutes. So that your pet doesn’t get agitated or bored, you can distract him with a toy.

3. Rinse the hairs with plenty of warm water until there is no residue left on them. Dry them using the blow dryer or a towel. Comb it with a metal brush and wide ends, which serve to untie the knots.

4.If there is no way to untie, you will have to resort to scissors. Always use them with great care so as not to cut or hurt the animal. Start little by little (at the end of the base of the knot) and continue with the comb.

5. As a last resort, you should use a razor blade or a razor. The dog’s or feline’s skin is irritated from having withstood the presence of many knots. By passing this utensil, his situation worsens. This will result in a lot of itching and redness.

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