How To Choose The Ideal Name For My Dog

How to choose the right name for my dog

When adopting a pet, possibly one of the most difficult tasks is choosing a name for it. There are many common names that hundreds and hundreds of dogs already have and, of course, our dog in our eyes is unique and special, so we want him to have a special and unique name. But, how to choose the ideal name for a furry one?

Dogs will learn their name sooner or later, but only if we know how to choose it well. Consider that there are many factors that we must take into account, as if, for example, we adopt a large breed dog and, when he is a puppy, we choose a baby name for him, when he grows up it will not look good. So to avoid these misunderstandings follow the following advice.

Choosing the right name for your dog

The ideal name: short

boy with puppy

Choose a name with a maximum of two syllables and, if possible, have the vowels ‘a’ and ‘o.’ We still don’t know why, but dogs recognize these vowels more easily. If the name is too long, it is possible that the dog will never learn it.

The ideal name: easy to pronounce

Being original is something great, but when it comes to choosing a name for a dog, the difficulty is greater: being original, but avoiding the very difficult names to be pronounced. If we choose a name that is too complicated, it will cause problems for you, for those who meet your dog for the first time, and also for your dog, as it is possible that he will never adapt to an exotic name.

The ideal name: name for life

As we’ve told you before, you must choose a lifelong name for your dog. Imagine that you start calling a puppy of a Grand Dane “Puppy”. In fact this name would be ideal for a Yorkshire toy and not a large dog.

The ideal name: the name of a person or an animal?

They say that taste is not disputed. This is true in this matter, because while many are in favor of someone putting a person’s name on a pet, there are others who would never do and who even criticize those who do. In our case, we advise you to follow your tastes and take into account that, whatever the name, it should be easy to pronounce and short, if it is a name for a person or an animal, it’s up to you.

The ideal name: watch your dog

Although we always hope that from day one our dog already has a name, waiting a little to get to know him better, observing gestures and attitudes, can help us find the ideal name for him. The color of the animal’s coat or eyes, some blemishes on its coat, or any craze it may have may be helpful.

The ideal name: keep the same name

dog in the grass

It’s possible that your dog has been adopted and already has a name, and you may not like the name he already has. But if the pet responds to him and feels identified with such a name, don’t change it, it will only cause confusion and he won’t know when to respond or not.

The ideal name: choose well

Keep in mind that once you’ve chosen a name, your puppy won’t take long to identify it, so it’s imperative that you choose it well and don’t change the name later. This would not be a good idea as the dog could feel totally confused.

Choosing the ideal name for your dog does not seem to be an easy task, but as you can see, there is a lot of advice that can help you to make the right choice. Remember that this is a lifelong issue for your pet, so you should spend time on it.

We are certain that if you follow our advice, you will choose a name that is original, short, easy to pronounce and that matches your pet’s personality.

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