Tea Tree Oil To Fight Parasites

Tea tree oil to fight parasites

In recent years, the use of natural products to soothe all types of illnesses, as well as for body and home hygiene, has become fashionable. Tea tree oil is one of the latest innovations in the fight against parasites, especially in dogs. That’s why we want to show you how to use it on your pet.

What is tea tree oil?


Tea tree oil is a colorless oil obtained from the distillation of tea tree leaves. How do you do this? With a method used and known for a long time, steam distillation. With this, the purest essence of the leaves is obtained, so much so that, from a ton of leaves, approximately 10 liters of oil are obtained.

This tea tree is originally from Australia and although in the country there are more than 300 varieties of this vegetable, Melaleuca alternifolia is the only one with enormous properties for both us and our pets.

In the case of pets, it can be very useful when fighting parasites, viruses and bacteria. Let’s see how.

Tea tree oil for your dog

Tea tree oil has antiseptic properties, as well as being a great bactericide, fungicide, antiviral, healing, balsamic and deodorant, among other things. That’s why it will be a great ally against parasites and bacteria.

As it is an all-natural product, there are no known side effects, such as skin allergies, itchiness or other things, but if after using it on your dog, it starts to itch too much, look for the vet right away. However, as we’ve told you, the likelihood of this happening to your dog is almost totally nil.

However, like any other product, whether natural or not, we will have to take special care to avoid contact with our eyes.

Tea tree oil lotion for your pet

To make an effective lotion for our pet that is free from all the diseases that bacteria and parasites cause, let’s mix equal amounts of alcohol at 96 degrees along with distilled water and tea tree oil.

To apply it, it is recommended to place it in a spray bottle and apply it directly to the animal, taking care not to get it in the eyes.

Tea tree oil, on the other hand, is very effective against fleas and other parasites, which, when they notice your presence, will quickly run away. Therefore, it is recommended to spray the oil on your pet outside the house, so that it does not become infested with fleas.

Therefore, if you have a pet, tea tree oil is a must in your first aid kit, as pets can always have some kind of parasite for one reason or another.

If tea tree oil is difficult to get in the place where you live, there is another home remedy you can use against fleas and other parasites: pennyroyal.


You simply need to boil some pennyroyal leaves in water, let it cool and sprinkle it on your pet. You will see how soon it will be free of parasites.

Another special remedy for ticks is rose geranium oil mixed with three spoonfuls of almond oil. Sprayed on the animal, it will free it from disease.

On our blog you will find hundreds of home remedies for your pet for these and other ailments, because we think that the natural one works and doesn’t harm your pet at all. And remember, at My Pets, we care about your friend as well as their well-being.

However, as always, it is better that before applying any product on your pet’s skin, whether natural or chemical, consult your veterinarian so that he can give you the appropriate recommendations.

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