Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)

This disease weakens the cat’s immune system and symptoms are not easily detectable; contagion usually occurs between fighting males.
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)

This disease, caused by the so-called feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), also called feline AIDS,  is a condition that weakens the cat’s immune system. It is spread by the virus entering the bloodstream. For that to happen; one animal  would have to be bitten by another infected.

It is similar to feline leukemia; but in this case it is a retrovirus, whereas FIV is a lentivirus; in veterinary medicine there are big differences between them.

Contagion usually occurs in males who often leave home  and fight each other  for control of  females in heat. It is almost impossible to be transmitted to cats that do not leave the house, and that are also neutered. Females, on the other hand, are also exposed to the virus; as well as their offspring during delivery and lactation.

Only between 1.5 and 3% of the cat population is infected; although 15% of sick individuals are believed to have acquired the virus.

As a condition that attacks the immune system, it  is difficult to know if the cat suffers from it. Among the only symptoms is the fact that the animal becomes vulnerable to other illnesses.

green eyed cat

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Symptoms

As we saw earlier,  the feline immunodeficiency virus makes the cat vulnerable to many conditions  it would not suffer if it had a healthy immune system.

One clue may be  that the animal constantly relapses into the same disease that has already been treated. Another is  that he often suffers from secondary infections; as  infections  skin, gingival (gum), urinary and respiratory. May have hair loss, weight loss and fever for no apparent reason.

What to do if the cat is infected with the feline immunodeficiency virus

If you suspect it, you  must go to the veterinarian immediately and carry out the corresponding exams; in order to rule out or confirm the disease.

It is necessary to clarify that  for this virus there is still no vaccine and that humans are not contaminated, so there is no danger of transmission from cats to people.

blue eyed cat

Among experts, there are two opinions about contagion. Some claim it is very difficult and unusual; and others that can be transmitted to healthy cats through saliva and other fluids.

avoid contagion

Although  this condition is now incurable, it is possible to keep its effects under control. This prevents the cat from getting sick, infecting other people and having quality of life. For this; the following measures must be taken:

  • Expand the care for your health, body and environment; to avoid being affected by opportunistic diseases. The vaccination protocol   must be followed and updated; thus, the cat will be protected from some bacterial infections.
  • It is necessary to control the parasites  that can attack our pet. The therapy indicated for this disease, although it is incurable, are antivirals and immunomodulators.
  • If the animal became ill due to low defenses ; all treatment protocols should be applied until a complete cure is achieved and relapses are avoided.
  • Take care of  feline health maintenance indicated by the veterinarian; such as transfusions, dietary supplements, and intravenous hydration. Anti-inflammatory and anabolic steroids may be prescribed.
  • Neuter males to prevent them from infecting others  due to injuries resulting from mating fights.
  • If possible, prevent the male from escaping the house. How bites during  fights  are due to competition for females; it is advisable to prevent males from leaving.
  • When living with other cats at home, avoid  rivalry and fights  between them; to eliminate the possibility of open wounds.

As we have seen, the feline immunodeficiency virus  (FIV)  does not necessarily have to lead to illness and death in the cat. The animal can live for many years under proper care  and without infecting other cats.

If, despite the care,  its health and well-being are very compromised and the animal suffers frequently, it is better to practice euthanasia.

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