The Armadillo, A Very Peculiar Animal

Do you want to meet this peculiar animal? Find out all about the armadillo below.
The armadillo, a very peculiar animal

The armadillo is a small animal that surprises everyone who sees it for the first time. However, since he lives in certain specific parts of the planet, it’s likely that many of us don’t know much about him. Let’s work this out!

Everything you need to know about armadillos

The armadillo is a small mammal that belongs to the group of dasipodidas, of which there are 20 different species in the world.

This is something that few people know, but there are differences between them, such as the period when they go out to look for food. While most do this at night, there are others who prefer to go out during the day.

Let’s see more about this curious and peculiar animal.

Armadillo characteristics

The armadillo’s body is very striking, as it is composed of hard plates that create a kind of shell, similar to that of a turtle, but with more mobility. The shape of its elongated head reminds us of that of the anteater, which may be related to it.

Its  ears are long and pointed, oval in shape and also covered by small bony plates that protect them. The armadillo’s commitment at all times seems to be to protect its soft areas, particularly as they are excessively weak.

Its color harmonizes very well with the habitat in which it lives, as it has neutral and unflattering tones that allow it to hide from possible predators.

armadillo ball

Although the most common armadillo is small and weighs between two and three kilos, there is also the giant variety that can reach 50 kilos and measure up to one meter in length. This is something quite different from the pink armadillo, which we have mentioned on a few occasions, which measures between 7 and 11 centimeters.

They have teeth, but they can’t chew as they don’t have roots. On their paws, they have claws that help them dig into the earth to make their burrows.


The armadillo usually lives in caves, holes, pastures or tropical forests. It is very sensitive to low temperatures, which is why it is commonly seen in Latin America, from the southern United States to Argentina. The place where most of them are found is in Paraguay.

behavior and personality

It is an animal with nocturnal habits and very shy, which lets itself be carried away by the smell and, thus, see any danger or favorable situation to go out in search of food or do other activity.

It feeds on ants, insects and larvae, as well as some small invertebrates. They are not aggressive and do not pose a threat to humans, but as many indigenous people still feed on their meat, it is most normal for them to flee when they perceive the presence of a human.

In no time do they use their claws to attack.

Armadillo behavior and personality

When an armadillo feels threatened, it shrinks and hides in its shell, trying to cover all its soft parts, thus protecting its integrity.

health and life expectancy

It is believed that, like rabbits and other rodents, armadillos can also contract leprosy, although this usually occurs at low temperatures, which armadillos avoid. Your average life expectancy will depend on whether you have lived in freedom or in captivity.

When they live in freedom, they rarely reach the age of 16, while in captivity cases, some individuals manage to reach 20 years.

Obviously, this difference has to do with the special care they receive in captivity, which does not happen when they are free, in addition to protection from predators.

Did you like to know more about this very peculiar animal?

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