Dog Day Care: Advantages And Disadvantages

Dog day care is an increasingly popular option when it comes to leaving your pet with strangers. However, these centers have their pros and cons.
Dog day care: advantages and disadvantages

Regardless of the time and organization required to not have to leave your dog in the care of a stranger, sometimes life has no other option. That’s why dog ​​day care is becoming more and more popular. There are times when taking care of them is really impossible.

These dog homes are spaces designed specifically for the accommodation and maintenance of dogs for a limited period of time. If you’ve ever considered hiring this service, here are the pros and cons to help you decide if it’s right for your dog.

Advantages of dog day care

Over the years, this service has gone from being a place where the animal is just fed and sheltered, to become real residences with a complex system of services, in which environmental enrichment and dog education are taken into account. Some benefits that dog day care currently offer are as follows:

  • Dogs are watched and cared for at all times by specialized staff.
  • The location is a perfect opportunity for your dog to socialize and make friends. This is very beneficial for dogs with separation anxiety.
  • Environmental enrichment is also often included in the daycare program, so boredom won’t be a problem for the dog.
  • Your dog will be able to get plenty of exercise, with all the health benefits that this entails.
  • If you are concerned about leaving your pet at a stranger’s home or allowing that person access to your home, day care is a good alternative.
  • More and more day care centers have an infirmary at the center, which allows professionals to provide immediate veterinary care in the event of an accident or illness.

In general, these centers are continually renewed to offer your dog the best experience in all areas. However, as with everything in life, it is important to choose a daycare that best suits your pet’s needs.

Daily walking is essential for dogs.

Disadvantages of dog day care

Continuing with the previous topic, day care may not be the best option for your dog. These spaces have some intrinsic disadvantages and other factors that you should consider before making a decision. Here are the most important ones:

  • It is important that you check if the center’s vaccination and deworming protocol is strict, as many dogs will live in the same space.
  • Your dog doesn’t understand why you leave him in a strange place and leave without him. Even if he does end up having fun, it is inevitable that he will initially feel anxiety and stress.
  • Try to pay a visit to the day care center before hiring their services, as the accommodation and care must be adequate for your dog.
  • A dog with social phobia can have difficulties in a kennel because he is in the company of so many dogs.

What to consider when choosing a day care center?

Hygienic and housing conditions must be impeccable: the individual spaces for dogs cannot be just cages and the facilities must allow them to see each other, in addition to having adequate dimensions. Acclimatization conditions — for winter and summer — should also be ideal.

When it comes to enrichment and socializing, the ideal is to have an outdoor space where dogs can run and play in comfort. There should also be an indoor play area for days when it’s not convenient to go out.

If the day care center also offers other services, such as dog education, bathing and grooming or nursing, even better. Obviously, the team must be expert in canine care and behavior.

The origin of dogs is very old.

In short, if you’re thinking of dog day care as an option for those times when caring for your dog is 100% impossible, make sure it’s the right choice for your dog.

For example, dogs with socialization problems or a complicated illness may do better with a trusted caregiver. However, if the dog is healthy and assertive, a day care center can be like a summer camp for him.

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