Tips For Bathing Your Dog With A Hose

Avoid excessively cold water and the use of too much pressure, as the dog will not feel comfortable and will run away. Likewise, we must not be aggressive with the dog. Rather, we must be motivating through positive reinforcement to successfully complete this mission.
Tips for bathing your dog with a hose

Especially if  the animal is large, bathing your dog with a hose is easy.  So, stay tuned for the following tips, to hose your dog without a hitch.

Tips for bathing your dog with a hose


The first step is to  think about where in the garden you will hose your dog. First of all, there should be a faucet nearby. Also, remember to check that the water temperature is not too cold. Ideally, the water is hot. So it’s worth waiting for a very hot day.

If you prefer to bathe your dog indoors,  you can use the bathtub and handheld shower. This will make it easier to balance the water temperature.

After that, you will need to prepare all the utensils that will be used during the bath. See list: shampoo with the lid open, towels, sponge, cloth towel. In addition, you must remember the dog’s collar to prevent escape. All of this should be at your fingertips when the bath starts.


As for the  shampoo, it should be suitable for the dog’s coat. In other words, it should not irritate the skin or mucous membranes. The scent of the shampoo shouldn’t be too strong, because the dog won’t like it. On the contrary, it will displease him and he will get dirty again. It’s better to choose a neutral shampoo

hose bath

water pressure

The collar that is placed on the dog to hold him in the bath must be  nylon.  The leather shrinks when drying, which tightens the animal’s neck. Therefore, the collar should not be too tight.

It is necessary to  check the water pressure of the hose. If it’s too strong, the dog will be scared and try to run away. A good option is to use a shower, to make the bathroom more pleasant and efficient.

Finally,  a cotton plug should be placed in the animal’s ears  to prevent water ingress. The plug should be large enough to cover your ear well.


During the bath, it is necessary to avoid getting the dog’s head wet. It is advisable to start spraying water from the neck to the back, until the dog’s fur and legs are completely wet. Then, you have to start to spread the shampoo and, with the help of the sponge, scrub the animal’s entire body well.

dog taking a bath

Each leg must be washed separately and carefully. In addition, you also need to wash your belly, groin and anal area. If the shampoo has flea repellent, it should be left for the time indicated  on the package, to act.

It will be necessary to rinse the dog’s body until the water runs off completely, with no traces of dirt or foam. To wash the dog’s face, it’s best to use a damp cloth.  This prevents water from entering the ears and causing an infection.


Use some  large, absorbent towels  to dry after you hose your dog It is necessary to dry the animal’s hair if it is too long. Start drying by covering the animal’s back with a towel. When drying, avoid causing friction so that no knots are made.

Some dog owners prefer to  use a hair dryer. In case you use it, the air temperature must be warm so as not to burn the animal’s delicate skin. Once dry, it is advisable to brush the dog so that the fur  does not get knotted. Thus, it is possible to remove loose hairs.

Reinforcement of positive behavior

When bathing your dog with a hose, remember to speak softly, don’t pull the collar too much and don’t be aggressive. If all goes well during the bath, reward the dog with his favorite treat. Thus, the dog will associate bathing with a pleasant experience. With positive reinforcement, next time there won’t be much resistance.

How often should I bathe my dog?

The frequency of bathing depends on the breed, the size, the type and length of the hair and the activities that the dog does. If the dog spends a lot of time outdoors, it is advisable to bathe him more often than animals that spend more time indoors. In general, a bath is recommended every three months.

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