How To Achieve Bite Inhibition

How to achieve bite inhibition

THE Bite inhibition is something a dog should learn as a puppy. , since this way you avoid  a reaction that could be dangerous . The bite is a characteristic of the behavior of dogs, in addition to being part of body language, the dog must learn that he must control it so as not to cause  damage in situations that are not necessary, for example, in a game.

Dogs bite for many reasons, whether to submit The message that you are upset, as a defense mechanism or as a way of domination . Learning bite inhibition is critical in the puppy’s socialization process.

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However, before forbid you  you must think that this reaction is rooted in the animal’s essence, and therefore it is not possible to eliminate  100 percent this behavior, as he will be helpless and will limit his ability to communicate with other dogs. the processes s Bite inhibition measures are oriented to predict risky situations, not to eliminate the animal’s behavior.

This behavior must be learned very early, around four months, after having gone through the  change of teeth, it will be very difficult get . For example, one of the most common uses that bite inhibition is related to is the fact that dogs can  bring things in the mouth without hurting or destroying. It is known like soft mouth.

The first thing you should keep in mind for your dog develop a soft mouth is that he should have other playmates. This is very important because dogs learn to control bite force through play .

If he bites hard, the other dog will be hurt and will not continue playing. In this way, playing without hurting the other will become  making a positive reinforcement, which will be rewarded with more games

A second thing you should keep in mind when training your dog to have a soft bite is to interact with he. Play with your dog and show  that you are also sensitive to bites.

So he will learn that humans are more sensitive than dogs and will use different types of bites depending on who is playing, a dog or a human.

During this period it’s also important to teach your dog to obey the release order. . This won’t make him bite gently, but it will help you when he’s destroying something and you want him to stop it. It will also help you when playing, since if he bites too hard, when he says “let go” he will understand and end the game.

Also, reinforcing the “no” command is important, because when he’s playing with you and bites hard, you can just tell him “no” and he’ll understand that this is wrong. . The important thing in this case is that you end the game once the dog bites hard.

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then pair to reinforce the punishment, ignore  your dog for a moment after you stop playing . That doesn’t mean you should  isolate him nor ignore him  during all day long. Only do it  for a few minutes and then keep playing . remember  caress  each time he gently bites.

In case you use the “loose” order, keep in mind that you should not ignore your dog, as he will understand that he is being punished for following the order. So you should just stop playing and continue when the dog is calm.

it is very important  play  with different people, including those outside of him, for example, a friend. In this way he will learn that all people are sensitive and  should not bite hard.

Likewise, you should keep in mind that if you have to use the “release” order too many times it means that something is not working in the training. how do we talk to later, this order should only be used.  in extreme cases, when you need the dog to stop biting something . In this case, it is best to seek help from an expert.

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