Why Do Cats Scratch The Water?

Why do cats scratch the water?

Many cats like to scratch the water. While conventional wisdom may say otherwise, some cats love it. Of course, as long as it’s not directed at them abruptly. 

For many cats the tap liquid is like a toy. They can spend long hours staring at the faucet, waiting for a few drops to fall.

The origin of this habit is not certain. However, it occurs in all races. Many researchers identify, in this type of practice, the need for cats to keep themselves clean and hydrated.

Remember that kittens must drink fresh water every day.

Failing to find it in their usual circuits, such as in their vessel, they then resort to an alternative source that provides them with clean water and, for that, nothing better than the bathroom tap.

Some details of why cats scratch water


Cats tend to scratch at water for different reasons, and one of them is for fun.

Pussies like to jump over the toilet and get their paws wet.

It’s a game they can’t miss. Also, in this fresh way, they wash themselves and, of course, drink water.

Why do cats like to drop the water bowl? Just like they do in the bathroom, for pure fun.

The more splashes, the more the water moves and the more it gets their attention. Cats who don’t get enough stimulation often get bored and see this as an opportunity to practice some form of entertainment.

Other cats often turn to the bowl because they hate putting their face in the drinking fountains.

Therefore, they normally drink water by dipping their front paws and licking the water off their skin.

If the cat has a metal container, it is very likely that when he approaches the water, he will see a reflection.

Depending on your cat’s temperament, he will likely jump over the bowl spilling all the liquid.

To modify your cat’s antics, you must evaluate the type of bowl you have chosen. Invest in a heavy ceramic or glass container, the idea is that it will be harder for him to drop it.

Pay close attention to the size of the container, and choose the one that suits your cat’s needs.

For example, the Persians need deep basins so that when tilted they do not dip their nose.

If your cat likes to drink water straight from the tap, and likes to play with the drops, encourage this game, you can buy a fountain for pets.

That way you prevent them from leaning on the toilet or sink.

So do cats like water?


Cats love to play with water, but they don’t feel the same sympathy if they are immersed in a bathtub for a bath.

There are some breeds that are more prone to getting wet. One example is the Turkish Van. These animals love to get wet.

During the summer, their ancestors would dip their pussies for several minutes in the warm waters of Lake Van in Turkey.

Another breed that likes water is the Bengal cat. These cats tend to get into the bathtub without major problems.

Definitely a dripping faucet is like a magnet for a cat, an interactive toy that attracts your pet’s playful paws, who want to take one by one of the falling drops.

But although there is no drip, the cat still looks at the faucet hoping to see a few drops.

Unlike dogs, cats rarely need to bathe.

But if your pussy smells bad or you notice that there is something sticky in its coat, then do everything possible to get it over any bad experience with the water.

If you start bathing your cat at an early age, it will get used to the feeling of water and there will be no inconvenience in the future.

To get your little friend used to the water, first put him in an empty bathtub or sink. Talk, reassuring him.

If he’s calm, start filling the tub or use pitchers of warm water. Never bathe him in very hot water, as you can burn his skin.

Repeat this process at least once a week, until he gets used to it.

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