Basics Of Canine Behavior

Basic aspects of canine behavior

When we adopt a dog, we realize that the passing of days becomes very different for us and that, perhaps, we had a preconceived and erroneous idea before this experience. To understand your dog, you must take into account some basic aspects of canine behavior.  Want to know more?

For a good relationship and for love to flow unhindered between your dog and you, it is necessary that you understand your dog. Let’s look at how to do this.

How to understand canine behavior through gestures

Dogs express their feelings differently than we do, among other things, because they don’t have the ability to speak. Their gestures will tell us a lot about how they feel and will teach us a lot about canine behavior.


Dogs can be afraid of many things, things that, perhaps, to us may seem ridiculous. Your  body language will clearly show us if this is what happens. For example,  the animal will put its tail between its legs regardless of whether it is male or female, it will curve its back and its mouth will be closed. If what causes him fear lingers, he will start walking backwards or even running.


Dogs are guardians  by nature, to themselves and to those around them; and because of that, they will be alert to anything strange or unknown that makes them feel threatened. To find out if a dog is angry, we can do this through its ears, which will be facing forward with a frown and a menacing look. He may bark with force and anger.


If you’ve ever owned a dog, you know how it behaves when it’s scolded. He lowers his head, relaxes his body and even hides where he thinks he can’t be found. These are all signs of submission, as  dogs are group animals and need a leader. If your dog reacts this way, it’s because he understood perfectly that you are the boss.

Ask for forgiveness

Even though animals neither think nor reason,  when they are reprimanded they understand that there is something they did that was wrong. Their next step will be to ask for your forgiveness and affection, so they will rub against your legs or they will throw themselves on the floor asking you to stroke their belly. If you refuse, your dog can feel very bad, even if he will only walk away to wait for his anger to pass.

Here I send

This is a very common attitude in animals that were not well socialized as puppies or that have no limits in the home. Dogs need a leader, someone to give them some rules. A dominant dog will position its body firmly, with its ears erect and its tail raised.  If your dog looks at you in this posture, you can be sure he  doesn’t understand that you’re the boss.

play, play

Fun is an essential part of every dog’s life. Therefore, it will not be few times that  your dog will ask you to play with him. The gestures will go towards you, move your tail and climb up your legs. It’s possible they’ll do it with a toy in their mouth or without, but it’s clear that the dog’s intention is to play with you. Don’t refuse!


Dogs are usually affectionate animals that they like and also have the attention of their owners, so they will often ask you to cuddle and caress. They will come to you,  possibly throw your head over your legs, look at you and say, “Come on, touch me.”  They will even push their heads over your body so you can pay attention to them.

As we’ve seen, to understand the basics of canine behavior, you only need to be aware of your dog’s gestures. Take his needs into account and supply them with what he needs. Thus, you will have a happy dog ​​and your coexistence will be wonderful.

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