How Do I Report Animal Abuse On The Internet?

How to report animal abuse on the internet?

The so-called network networks are generous in providing us daily with tender images of pets or fun videos in which the animals are the protagonists. However, it can also be the place where some people, whom we will refrain from qualifying, deliberately show situations where violence is exercised with dogs, cats and other helpless beings. That is why it is important that you know how to report animal abuse on the internet.

Animal abuse on the internet, a content on the rise

animal abuse on the internet


YouTube, Facebook and other platforms are the vehicles that some users use to brag about their “exploits” against helpless beings, or to make known the acts of violence against animals carried out by other people.

And, although there are no official data, both protective associations and state bodies emphasize that material on cruelty to animals in the most different social networks is expanding rapidly.

If you’ve ever come across any image or video of animal abuse on the internet, indignation has certainly taken hold of you, as it does with most people who love and respect these innocent beings. But how should we proceed to get this content removed from the Web and, furthermore, that those responsible are punished?

The most direct way is to report the fact to the relevant authorities or to protective associations that can publicize the case and advise you on the steps to be taken so that the complaint is heard.

Attitude to Violence against Animals on the Web

As experts say, people who post this type of material on the internet do it to draw attention and even to brag about the fact.

For this reason, control the irritation that the situation will cause you, do not leave messages showing your disagreement or share it with others so that they are aware of the fact. Take into account that negative comments have no effect to raise awareness of those who commit these acts of cruelty to animals.

By interacting with these images, you will make them spread even more, which is one of the goals of those who posted them on the internet. But it can also happen that the person responsible for these acts feels intimidated by so much exposure, removes the material posted on the internet and thus erases the evidence to judge him for his crime.

What should be done to report cases of animal abuse on the internet

The steps to be followed to report cases of abuse on the internet are as follows:

  • Do not share images, videos or websites where cruelty to animals is evident.
  • Gather as much evidence as possible : photos, links, webpage addresses, Twitter or Facebook profiles, etc.
  • Make sure that all the information, as detailed as possible, reaches the Police, animal protection agencies or any animal protection association you trust.

Be aware that it is possible to file a complaint either by phone, by email or in person, depending on the institution you are going to appeal to.

Denounce to enforce the law

animal abuse on the internet

From the moment you file your complaint for animal abuse on the internet, the responsible authority will assess the content and discard if:

  • If it is a case that has already been tried or prescribed.
  • It is material coming from a foreign country and, therefore, outside the competence of national authorities.

Once these issues have been ruled out, it is very likely that, with an exhaustive analysis of the images and other data offered, the criminal can be identified, placed at the disposal of justice and made to remove the denounced contents from the internet.

Therefore, do not be discouraged, your action and indignation will certainly contribute to this type of offense being duly punished by law.

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