The Iguana As A Pet

The iguana as a pet

For a few years now, it has become fashionable to have exotic animals as pets. This is the case of the iguana, a calm animal, apt to be kept at home. Do you want to know more about her? Perhaps, about your behavior and the care you require? We’ll tell you everything! So let’s talk about what it’s like to have an iguana as a pet.

We must be aware that it is not the same thing as having a dog, pet of almost everyone we know. The care that an exotic animal requires is a little different.

What is an iguana?

The iguana is a reptile. It’s like a small lizard with a big tail and sharp teeth.  Your tail is your instrument of defense. Although they are generally calm, it is important to be careful as they can easily get irritated and hurt us from it.

We must not forget that it belongs  to the family of lizards and crocodiles, cold-blooded animals. If there’s something they don’t like, they attack without compassion. But don’t worry, a pet iguana can’t kill you, and if you treat her with kindness and meet her needs, she can be a friend more than a loving one.

How long does an iguana live as a pet?

Adopting a  pet, regardless of the type of animal, is always a responsibility. An iguana can live between 20 and 30 years, so before adopting one, take this into account, you will have to care for it for 20 years or so.

There have been cases of some iguanas that died before the age of 20, for not having lived in ideal conditions for them, it is important to remember that they are tropical animals. Very cold places can harm their health little by little  and cause them to die sooner than expected. These animals are not prepared for this.

Where to keep an iguana as a pet?

The best place is in a terrarium. This should be an environment similar, as closely as possible, to its natural habitat  and should be large enough for the animal to take a walk around inside. If the location is not like that, the most likely is that he will start hitting himself with his tail and that he will injure himself.


It’s not good to let the iguana wander around the house when you don’t know it. In the terrarium, you can get to know her better and also discover her personality and behavior. When you both trust each other, you can let her walk around the house.

You should make sure the iguana is in the warmest environment possible, between 28-30 °C, and never leave it outdoors alone, especially in cold weather, as it could die alone on a winter night.

What do iguanas eat?

Despite being a reptile, iguanas are herbivores. Therefore,  vegetables and any other types of vegetables or fruits are suitable for your diet.  There are also foods prepared especially for them in pet stores, although natural food may suffice. That decision is yours.

She should always have water on hand, clean and fresh. When putting food in your terrarium, do so carefully if you don’t know it well, as it may feel threatened and attack you.

Is the iguana ideal for me as a pet?

Yes and no. It depends on what you are looking for in a pet. If you want an animal that will come and pamper you when you call, no, she is not the ideal animal.  If you have children, it is not an ideal pet for them, as much as they like it. They won’t understand that it’s not a toy and they might hurt each other.

So, take these factors into account if you decide to adopt an iguana and, most importantly, think carefully about why you want to have one.

Remember that  any animal is a responsibility and that once you commit, there is no turning back…until death do you part.

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