Breton Spaniel: A Versatile And Very Affectionate Dog

Breton Spaniel: a versatile and very affectionate dog

The Breton Spaniel is one of the best known hunting dog breeds. His sweet and affectionate character makes him a great companion dog. They are smart, active and don’t waste the opportunity to receive a caress. If you want to share your life with this amazing dog, let’s tell you more about the breed.


The name of the breed gives us clues to its origin. “Spaniel” refers to a type of race that arose with Spanish hunters, and “Breton” shows that this race developed in French Brittany.

It should be noted that the Cocker Spaniel or the Clumber Spaniel have the same origin as the Britons, even though each one has developed separately afterwards.

Breton Spaniel

Source: Craig Pemberton

The Breton Spaniel is a pointing dog, being the most widespread breed in France for this function. It is believed to be one of the oldest Spaniel breeds, since in the beginning of the 20th century its standard was already defined, and that is why crossings were programmed to enhance their hunting skills.


It is a medium-sized dog and there are no differences in dimensions between males and females, as they measure and weigh the same: between 47 and 50 centimeters at the withers and between 15 and 18 kilos. It is, therefore, the smallest breed of pointing dogs.

Its appearance is that of a compact dog with harmonious proportions. It’s sturdy, but doesn’t look heavy. It’s active, fast and agile. He has an intelligent eye and always seems to be alert. On her stride, she is considered agile and decisive, and matches her large, stylized paws.

The head is similar to that of an Arm, with the skull slightly larger than the front of the face. On its body, it has a square proportion, as it does not have long or short legs, and its body is slender.

On the other hand, the muzzle is broad and its color depends on the dog’s coat color.

If we pay attention to the ears, we will see that they are triangular, wide and short. They fall over the head and move while the dog is working.

Some of the Spaniels are born with a short tail. It is now illegal in many countries to cut the tails of dogs, but in the past it was cut about three centimeters from the base.

On its coat, it is characterized by being very thin and can be smooth or slightly wavy. The hair is shallow and short on the head and loin, but it is abundant on the underside of the tail, legs and belly.

In addition, the Breton Spaniel has many color varieties. The most frequent are white and orange, white and black and white and brown. These combinations can appear with large blemishes or fringes.

It is possible that there will be three mixed colors or even the fire variety. That is, in terms of colors, it is a breed very similar to the English Setter, and other hunting dogs.

Breton Spaniel Character

The Breton Spaniel is an extremely versatile dog. It is a great pointing dog, and is in fact one of the best hunting breeds. However, when hunters became aware of its personality, the breed began to become a family dog ​​as well.

Dogs of this breed are characterized by their intelligence. They are easy to train because they are attentive and like to obey, but it is noteworthy that their learning speeds up if punishments are abandoned and methods based on positive reinforcement are used  . It is a dog that can perform almost any job that is proposed to it.

The Breton Spaniel is a breed full of energy and, as such, it needs long walks and, above all, like any hunting breed, it needs to use its sense of smell. He will enjoy intelligence games that stimulate his keen sense of smell more than any other game.

Breton Spaniel Jumping an Obstacle

Source: Ron Armstrong

They are very docile dogs, affectionate and attached to humans. Therefore, they will not miss the chance to receive affection and attention. For this reason, it is an excellent breed to have in a family with children or the elderly, as they are also careful and not very effusive.

It is noteworthy that we must take into account that they are extroverted dogs that enjoy the attention of any human, but they are not the best land guardians and will be friends with anyone who passes by on the street. Therefore, they have a special bond with the family, but they do not reject strangers.


The Breton Spaniel is a very healthy breed that does not suffer from hereditary diseases. However, it is necessary to carry out general health checks at the veterinarian, as well as keep the vaccination and deworming book up to date.

Like any breed that habitually walks in the woods, you need to pay close attention to the health of the pads and ears. In addition, it is necessary to be careful with ticks and other parasites that can attack the dog, and with barbs or plants that can hurt and cause infections.

As the Breton Spaniel’s fur is very fine, it should be brushed with good brushes almost daily, to remove all dead hair and prevent skin problems.

Images source: Pharaoh Hound, Craig Pemberton and Ron Armstrong.

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