Touching Stories Of Loyal Dogs Until The End

Touching Stories of Loyal Dogs to the End

The loyalty of dogs to their owners is a fact that is evident on a daily basis for those who have these noble pets as pets. But even so, stories of loyal dogs do not cease to amaze us and move us even after their owners die.

Reports of Dogs Loyal to Their Owners Dead

loyal dogs

There are emblematic cases like that of the Japanese Hachiko, who even has his own film. In Spain, the history of Canelo is well known.

But what is certain is that the cases of loyal dogs that come to live next to the tombs of their owners, or at the door of the hospital where their owners unfortunately died, or that wait in vain for their arrival -for example- at a train station. We know of stories like these in different times and places.

And although scientists can’t come to an agreement or give an accurate explanation of why dogs behave this way, possibly the answer would have to be sought in concepts such as fidelity and love, which should not be concepts. simple to be included in a scientific investigation.

Today we bring some accounts of dogs that remained loyal to their owners, when death had already intervened between them.

Bobby, John Gray’s dog

Bobby’s story takes us back to the nineteenth century in Edinburgh, Scotland. It was a terrier breed dog that belonged to a police officer named John Gray. Dog and man were always together and the animal became famous for the tricks it knew how to do.

But, unfortunately, Gray died of tuberculosis. Bobby was present throughout his friend’s funeral and also followed the funeral procession to the cemetery. And there it remained, on the tomb of its owner, the 14 years he had survived.

Over time, Bobby was transformed into a local legend and won the affections of people who gave him food shelter in the cruel Scottish winters.

Bobby died and, how could it be otherwise, over his owner’s grave. The locals then erected a statue in his honor, near the cemetery, and looking at where John Gray was buried.

Fido, the dog waiting for his owner at the train station

Last century, in a village in Italy (Borgo San Lorenzo, Tuscany), there was the story of Fido, a crossbred dog, adopted by a young man named Luigi, who worked in a carpentry shop.

Every morning the little dog would accompany its owner to the train station and then, in the afternoon, would look for him in the same place, when the man returned from his work.

But this routine was interrupted by World War II. Luigi was recruited and sent to Russia. However, the dog went to the train station every afternoon to await the return of its dear owner. But the boy never came back.

However, Fido met him at the station until the last day of his life. Although arthritis barely allowed him to walk, every afternoon the dog took the same route in vain. Until one cold winter afternoon, the wind and snow ended his life. His body was found frozen the next day.

The inhabitants, who had become fond of the animal, erected a statue of Fido beside the train station with the epitaph: “An example to all humans of the maximum expression of love and fidelity. ”

Collie, the dog from La Piedade Cemetery

loyal dogs

Closer to our time and further south in the world, the story of Collie took place, who decided to stay next to his owner’s tomb in La Piedade Cemetery, located in the city of Rosario, Argentina.

Collie arrived at the place the same day their owner was buried and spent the entire night by his grave. When his family came to pick him up the next day, they couldn’t get him out. They tried to take him home again a short time later, but the dog escaped through the tombs.

That’s how the animal remained until its death in the Argentine cemetery, cared for by a local worker. For 9 years he kept close to the place where his owner had been buried, after a while the man’s corpse was cremated.

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