Have You Heard Of This New Breed Of Dog?

Have you ever heard of this new breed of dog?

There are “legendary” and more “modern” races. Each of them has its particular characteristics that can please us to a greater or lesser extent. In this article we will tell you about a new breed of dog called Pumi. These dogs are originally from Hungary. There, they are used to take care of flocks (with a function similar to that of the shepherd) and belong to the terrier breed. Find out more about him!

What does the new breed of dog look like?

Most pumi breed puppies are gray in color (lighter or darker), although they can also be born with a completely black coat, which will lighten after the sixth week of life, approximately. The final color of the animal is defined according to the hair of its parents.

Some Pumi puppies can be white or a combination of brown and yellow (known as Maszkos Fakó in the lands of Hungary). The coat of the Pumi is wavy, their coat  is thick and of medium length (about 7 cm). It should be combed every 2 weeks and cut every 2 months.

What stands out the most in the appearance of this new breed of dog are its lively and alert ears that are always raised and with the tip slightly bent down, covered with fur. As for its head, it is thin and long with a large snout, small dark eyes. Pumi male puppies can weigh up to 15kg and measure around 47 cm in height, while female pumi dogs weigh an average of 13kg and reach an average size of 44cm.

How is the temperament of this new breed of dog?

Regarding the animal’s behavior, it is worth mentioning that it is a protective breed of the family, a little reserved with those it does not know, but that it usually socializes without much difficulty. Pumi is very vivacious, intelligent, active and tends to bark a lot. They easily understand the orders and can be trained with no problem when it comes to food and toys.

The dog of this breed is that typical herder, guardian and herdsman, although it is also a great pet to live in the city. He needs to do a good amount of exercise, walks and activities. Loves to play and run. They adapt to both rural and urban life, as long as we carry out their physical training correctly.

If he is chosen for work in the field, Pumi is very attentive, alert, tenacious, tireless, brave (with larger or smaller animals) and efficient in carrying out his tasks. When he’s with his family at home, he’s very happy, he’s very faithful and cautious with those he doesn’t know. Maybe you get bored easily or don’t stay quiet for too long. Be careful, because if you leave him alone, he will become a nervous, compulsive and destructive dog.

How is the health of this breed of dog?

In general, the Pumi or Pumik breed dog (as it is known in Sweden and Finland) enjoys a comfortable life with a life expectancy between 12 to 14 years (some specimens survive to be 19 years). The two most common health problems they have are hip dislocation and dysplasia.

Being a “rustic” breed and able to work in the field, it does not usually present many problems or get sick regularly. You need to pay attention to the coat, as it is prone to allergies. Also, be careful with your ears as they can suffer from infections and fungus. If the animal is “outdoors”, it is recommended to check that there are no barbs, insects or parasites attached to its paws.


Additional information about Pumi

This new breed of dog actually emerged in the 18th century, after the Puli breed was crossed with a German-French-eared terrier breed. It has been considered a breed since the beginning of the 20th century and nowadays it has become famous in countries other than Hungary, Finland and Sweden.

He was recently accepted in canine beauty contests, where the size of the animal is evaluated. Thus, today, many people choose him as a pet or helper in field activities. The Pumi aspect radiates voluntarism, action and disposition. It is not common to find a shy or calm dog, so if we have a lot of energy and lead a busy life, he will be our best option. 

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