Why Is The Dog The Ideal Pet For Me?

Why is the dog the ideal pet for me?

When you think about which is the ideal pet to share your life with, the dog is always one of the first options that come to mind, as we always hear that the dog is man’s best friend.

Far from being a lie, this little animal is the best pet we can choose, and here we’ll explain the reasons why.

protect you

ideal pet

As it is a concerned friend, and a hero more than brave, the dog will be attentive to you, to take care of you when you are sick, support you in situations of emotional pain and protect you when, in some way, you find in front of any kind of danger.

The advantage of having one of these beautiful pets is that, in addition to softening you with their beauty and mischief, they will be faithful protectors who will take care of you and your home, so you’ll be counting on the best friend you could ever have. , and the most loyal and unconditional guardian.

Although many dogs have this condition innately, there are breeds that have the best characteristics to protect more efficiently, in the case of intruders, and be the ideal pet for this.

These are the breeds that stand out the most:

  • Doberman
  • rottweiler
  • German Shepherd
  • bullmastin
  • Argentine Dogo
  • Neapolitan Mastiff
  • Belgian Shepherd
  • Chow chow
  • staffordshire terrier

According to specialists, these are the best breeds because they are the most resistant to pain, the bravest and the ones with the greatest physical strength.

The ideal pet improves your health status

When you choose to adopt one of these cute pets, your life changes forever and for the better, as the presence of a dog in your life will improve your health in a way that it will be impossible to remember what your life was like. before this little friend arrives.

Do not believe? For, first of all, dogs can easily eliminate the sadness and depression you’re suffering from, as their antics, canine adventures and the way they love you like no one else will make the bad time you’re going through. disappear in the face of so much tenderness.

That is why, in most cases, people who have recently retired and were unable to plan in advance what to do from that moment on, adopt a dog, since, according to different experts, this is the best solution to start a new stage of life in a happy and meaningful way.

Also, your pet will require physical activity in order to maintain good health, so you will have to take him for a walk every day, for at least half an hour, which will also be wonderful for your body and organism., as this will help you keep fit and also get the following benefits:

  • Burn calories.
  • Keep your heart healthy and strong.
  • Greatly reduce stress.
  • Improve your emotional state.
  • Get distracted and have fun.

The dog loves you like no one else and will be loyal forever

ideal pet

Besides being playful and intelligent, the greatest virtue of these beloved animals is the unconditional love they constantly offer and their permanent fidelity to their owner, which is something unique and touching.

For them, living with you is the best thing that could happen and they will respond to it in an amazing way, as the most important thing for their lives is that you feel good and that you treat them as they deserve, which is something of paramount importance to the emotional health of your ideal pet.

But even with all this, what makes dogs incomparable is their ability to be with you and to be loyal even after death, which is something that is proven in countless cases, where the dog is able to faithfully wait for the its owner even if he never returns, or stay near his tomb once he has passed away.

As you can see, if your intention is to have a friend who will protect you, who will love you, who will be faithful and who will help you improve your health and your mood, the dog is the best choice of all, the animal ideal pet.

Image courtesy of Lynn.

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