What Can You Know About Your Dog From His Barks?

What can you know about your dog from his barks?

Animals don’t talk like we do, but they have the ability to make themselves understood. A dog’s barks are its communication system and, like our words, these sounds can also indicate emotions or situations. In this article, we’ll talk about the main causes of your dog’s barking.

Causes of barking

Many people are annoyed by a dog’s barking because this deafening noise prevents them from sleeping, listening to television, or talking to others. However, we must pay close attention and try to identify the causes of our dogs’ barking, as they tell us something about the furry and the surroundings:

feel stressed


Dogs obviously feel stress, just like people. In certain situations, such as jail, a car trip or lack of water, they may bark with despair. If any of his basic needs are not met, he will choose to use his barking to communicate this. It would be like the cry of a baby who is hungry or who has wet his diaper.

spend a lot of time alone

Certain breeds, such as the Cocker Spaniel, cannot stand loneliness. For this reason, when the owners leave the house, they bark and howl to show their sadness. We have to remember that a dog has group life in its genetics. You cannot be alone because you feel fear or see dangers where there really aren’t any.

is in the backyard

Something similar to the previous one, but instead of leaving him indoors, it happens if he spends many hours outdoors in the backyard, terrace or balcony. Not being supervised, not seeing anyone nearby, or wanting to walk in a confined space can cause you to bark.


When dogs have no contact with other animals or the outside world, every time they go outside they feel threatened. They hear the noise of a car, the wheel of a bicycle, a child running. Or even an object that flies in the wind. All of this frightens them… and it’s likely that, given this situation, he starts barking. It can also happen when he is in the same environment with other dogs (eg in the park).

is excited

Playing, jumping and running is one of the best activities for dogs, especially during the early years. And for that reason, they can’t contain themselves to show how happy they are. When they play with other animals, have a new toy, discover something different, do something they like or welcome their owners… this bark will be accompanied by an energetic movement of the tail and by more than one jump or kiss.

Marking your territory

For example, if a cat appears on the roof or if we bring a new kitten home, the furry one will probably bark to demonstrate that this is his place and that he takes care of it tooth and nail.

Warn of a danger or visit

Many dogs bark when the bell rings or knock on the door because they use this mechanism to notify their owners that someone has arrived. But be careful, if you can’t calm him down, even though the visitor has already entered the house, it may be that your dog doesn’t trust him, has been scared, or doesn’t know him well enough.

One of the causes of your dog’s barking may be wanting to let him know that there’s something he doesn’t like near your home. It happens above all in front of a presence that he does not list as being good or known. If he barks excessively and nervously, take a look out the window to see if anything is wrong.

is getting deaf


Author: Megan Coughlin

As the animal gets older, its senses are no longer as reliable, and this can lead to it barking more than usual. With old age, dogs can lose all or part of their visual or hearing abilities. This may cause them more need to bark because they don’t understand what’s going on around them.

Want to draw attention

Are you eating, caring for your baby, or watching television and the dog starts barking? It’s because he wants food, his attention, to play with him or to take him for a walk! Try to understand the cause of your dog’s barking not only by your insistence, but also by the tone of your barking, which in these cases is usually higher than usual.

The breeds that bark the most are Yorkshire, Schnauzer, Fox Terrier, Beagle, Chihuahua, Pekingese and the Miniature Poodle breed.

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