Hippopotamus: Characteristics, Behavior And Habitat

Hippopotamus: characteristics, behavior and habitat

This is a special mammal we all know from our childhood. Perhaps many of us haven’t had the opportunity to see one in person. That’s why today we’ll talk about the hippopotamus, to learn more about its characteristics, habitat and everything related to this animal.

The group of mammals is very extensive. It is possible that the hippopotamus is one of the great unknowns of this group. To become more familiar with it, let’s get as close as possible to this fascinating animal, which does not go unnoticed by anyone.

Learn more about the hippopotamus

General features

Hippos are herbivorous mammals. This is something that reassures us, because its appearance is that of a wild animal that would love to eat us.

It has a large size, which is why its presence can cause fear. Despite being part of the mammalian group  , it is also known as a placental mammal, as while it is being formed in its mother’s placenta, it needs to feed from the same placenta to survive.

As soon as he leaves his mother’s womb, the first thing he does is go to the water, where he will spend a large part of his life, regardless of what he is doing, whether mated or even giving birth. However, he does it because he likes it, and because water is the ideal element for his skin. But it is an animal that can live on land too, but always close to water.

As physical characteristics, we highlight its large size, its long legs and its weight, which can reach between 1.5 to 3 tons. Your skin is dry and rough, hairless. He continually wets her to keep her hydrated and not burn.


Africa is the main habitat of this giant, especially in the sub-Saharan region. Even so, you can also  find some specimens in black Africa and in eastern countries that do not border the Mediterranean. Why did the hippo choose this place as a habitat? Because there he has what he needs: water and heat.


This animal is territorial and we will always see it in a group. To mark its territory, it will defecate and move its tail to spread its feces from side to side, thus expanding its territory. They roam in groups of 5 to 30 individuals, most of which will be females, which the males have chosen as mothers to their future children. We don’t know for sure what unites hippos in a group, but not all of them are “lucky”. Sometimes territorial struggles can arise, but these end as soon as it becomes clear who is stronger than who.

Although in our minds we may have it as a tender animal, because it is herbivore, many define it as the most dangerous animal in Africa.  Many occasions have been reported in which he killed different animals simply because he was not comfortable with their presence. He does the same with humans. So if we decide to explore a place where there are hippos, we must be very careful.


Its life is basically nocturnal, because it is a way to protect itself from the sun, which cracks and wrinkles its skin. However, when the sun goes down, they take the opportunity to disembark and look for food. Their diet is based on herbs and bushes, sometimes they walk up to 8 kilometers to get their food.

This was the information we wanted to share with you about this fascinating animal and which, although far from us, is worth knowing. They say that love for animals only grows, and we’re sure that now that we know more about the hippopotamus, we can love it too. Isn’t it true that nature never ceases to amaze us?

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