What Human Food Can Dogs Eat?

What human food can dogs eat?

Nowadays, a trend is starting that more and more owners choose the option of feeding their pets based on a homemade diet, either because they are suspicious of the way dog ​​food is produced, because they prefer to complement their diet with other foods or because they find this feature a way to save a little money.

Although our dogs’ nutritional needs are different from ours, does that make many people wonder  what human food dogs can eat?

In fact,  most of the foods we consume turn out to be beneficial and complete for our dogs as well.

For example, all meats, grains and most fruits and vegetables can be consumed by them.

How to monitor the diet?

What you should do is develop a strategy for your dog to have the necessary amount of protein and vitamins, to be able to grow correctly, have sufficient energy reserves and are not difficult to digest.

In the case of grains, it is best that you crush them, because dogs have a shorter intestine than ours, we must facilitate the process of assimilating certain foods.

Keep in mind that dogs are predators, so an important part of the diet must be meat, as animal fat will provide important nutrients for the functioning of the organs, as well as helping them to develop good muscles and will be good for your joints.

If your dog is not used to consuming raw meat, it is best to cook it a little, this will prevent bacteria that can affect your dog from invading the animal’s body.

Beware of dairy products. Whole cow’s milk can be too strong for a dog’s body, they don’t have enough enzymes to process properly  and can cause digestive problems.

Vegetables and vegetables are rich sources of vitamins and minerals, in addition to having a low calorie and fat content, which prevent your dog from gaining too much weight and having problems with joints and circulation.

Try to give your pet a diet rich in fiber, this will help improve the digestive system and regulate bowel function.

Although, due to dogs’ digestive system being shorter, dogs cannot assimilate vegetables the way humans do, so it is very important that vegetables are used as a way to supplement their diet, and not exclusively. .

Although dogs can consume vegetables both raw and cooked, it is best that they are prepared in a kind of puree, taking care that they are small pieces and without salt.

Likewise, dogs can consume many kinds of fruits, for example apples, watermelons, oranges or peaches are good for them.

However, you must be careful to remove all seeds, as this can cause poisoning.

In addition, fruits should be given in small portions, especially those rich in sugar. Dogs do not metabolize sugar very quickly, so excessive consumption can lead to obesity.

Remember that before changing your dog’s diet, it is recommended to consult the veterinarian, he will know how to correctly advise on the foods that should be consumed and those that should be avoided, as well as indicating the size of the portions and the number of times per day the animal can consume.

Products they shouldn’t consume

Although they can consume most of the foods we eat, you should avoid some that may seem harmless but can intoxicate your pet.

Some of them are: caffeine, teas, onions, grapes, raisins, avocados, cocoa derivatives, sugar, dairy products, bones and nuts.

Keep an eye on the place where you throw food scraps, dogs tend to eat everything they find and looks good, so if you notice they have been consuming something that shouldn’t be in the diet, take your pet to the vet immediately.

However, your dog may develop allergies to some foods if he notices excessive and atypical behavior after he eats, such as agitation, if he has lumps, excessive salivation, vomiting or diarrhea, uncontrolled urine, is weak or suffers from tremors, your puppy may be experiencing an allergic reaction or suffering from intoxication, so you should help him immediately and take your pet to the veterinarian for examination.

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