Dog Irritated Skin: How To Treat It At Home?

Dermatosis in dogs is one of the most common skin diseases. If you notice that your dog is continually scratching himself, it may be time for an appointment with the veterinarian.
Irritated skin in dogs: how to treat it at home?

One of the most common challenges pet owners face is irritated skin in dogs. This problem is usually related to insect bites or food allergies.

Despite being a very common condition, questions may arise about how to treat it at home. Next, we’ll answer the most common questions about the subject and give options for treatment at home.

Itchy skin in dogs?

Since the skin is the most extensive cutaneous system of the body, the  canine acne can be found in many different places. Therefore, the dog’s skin should be carefully examined if areas with irritated skin are observed.

As for the causes of skin irritation, there are several causative agents. Some of these agents can range from insect bites to allergies (food or otherwise).

What are the diseases that cause skin irritation?

The most common skin problems are caused by insect bites, allergies or irritations. Therefore, the most frequent skin-related diseases are as follows:

  • Dermatitis. They can be classified in different ways, from parasitic to bacterial or fungal.
  • Allergic dermatitis. Food allergies are the main culprits, along with atopic dermatitis. The second is the most common skin disease in dogs, occurring in about 10-15% of animals.

irritated skin in dogs

What behaviors should we be aware of?

When they feel uncomfortable, dogs express their irritation through different behaviors. Therefore, attention is needed if behaviors such as:

  • Scratching yourself frequently.
  • Biting the skin.
  • Rubbing against objects.

How to treat irritated skin in dogs at home

The tips mentioned below seek to alleviate the itching of animals. However, we must never administer medication to the animal without the supervision of a specialist.

cold water baths

One of the quintessential home remedies for itching relief is the cold water bath. Bathing is not a favorite activity for dogs, but it is necessary to keep them healthy.

It is generally recommended to bathe dogs in warm water, reserving cold water for the summer. This is because the body temperature of dogs is very high, around 38-39 °C on average.

Therefore,  dogs are more sensitive than humans to cold water, as the contrast for them is greater. However, to relieve itchiness or the summer heat, it is possible to use water with a temperature below 39 °C.

Dermatological shampoos

Currently, it is possible to find all types of shampoos: aromatic, with natural ingredients, organic, etc. However, not all of them can be used in cases of dermatitis.

When you need to wash the animals that have the irritated skin or dermatitis, it is recommended  the use of shampoos skin. More specifically, shampoos that have a calming and moisturizing effect.

Examples of these specific types of shampoos are  those made from colloidal oat extracts and glycerin. It is also advisable to be careful when applying them to the animal’s skin.

During the bath, the shampoo should be applied with a light massage, energetic but without damaging the skin. The product must stay in contact with the dog’s skin for about ten minutes to take effect.

Finally, the animal must be rinsed and dried. For this, it is necessary to avoid the use of dryers and use towels or let the animal dry in the open air.

Moisturizing and soothing lotions

Another of the most common and recommended remedies for irritated skin in dogs are lotions. There are numerous varieties of them on the market, but not all of them are useful in these cases.

For application to irritated skin, experts  recommend that the lotion be moisturizing. For example, all creams based on urea and glycerin or essential fatty acids are beneficial.

This way, the irritated skin is kept hydrated and the dog is not exposed to other lotions that increase the itching. However, it is necessary to take into account the animal’s possible previous allergies before choosing one of the lotions.

Avoid contact with specific materials

In the face of irritated skin in dogs, your veterinarian may recommend avoiding the use of certain textile materials. Among them are wool or fibers present in different elements, such as rugs, towels or blankets.

Although it may not seem like it,  these materials can contribute to the development of irritated skin. Therefore, in the face of these outbreaks, it is best to prevent dogs from getting close to these fibers (either in bed or at the resting place).

irritated skin in dogs

When you notice that the dog is restless or behaving strangely, it  is necessary to make an appointment with the veterinarian. Only the specialist can diagnose the cause of the itching and advise on the correct treatment.

While the intention to alleviate the animal’s suffering is good, we don’t know how the drugs can affect it. Therefore, it is necessary to always be extremely careful and seek professional advice before applying home remedies.

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