Whale Fun Facts

The behaviors of these cetaceans are very striking, and they have a great sense of generosity towards other animals. Learn more below.
Whale Fun Facts

The whale, the largest animal in the world, is surrounded by various curiosities that are sure to surprise you. Do you want to meet some of them? Immerse yourself in this ocean of information to discover the fun facts about whales, these majestic and imposing animals.

Although the life of whales is difficult to fully understand due to the depth in which they live, there are many curious facts that we already know and that we want to share with you today.

Whale Fun Facts

whales and music

When we talk about whales, we mean any type of whale, which includes sperm whales, belugas, blue whales and even orcas. They all have very similar behavior since they come from the same species.

The song attracted the whales in an experiment, but not only that, they also responded with a dance. Whales are believed to have their mood and behavior immediately influenced by music, just as human beings are.

They communicate through music

A group of scientists assured that the sounds emitted by humpback whales have very expressive similarities with pop music. In fact, their tones are believed to be so catchy that the other members of the group sing them too, and when they get tired of making the same sounds, they invent new ones.

Whales communicate through music

some sleep vertically

Sperm whales, the species that are perhaps the least attractive, sleep standing up, as some experts say. Or rather, vertically, since standing in the depths of the sea doesn’t seem so simple. Her biological clock differs from ours, as her sleep schedule is from 6 pm to midnight.

While many have linked this to the sleep of dolphins, who remain alert while they sleep to protect themselves from possible predator attacks, this has yet to be firmly demonstrated.

However, this theory may be well founded, since the sperm whale is the most noble and calm whale of all and there are many predators looking for it. Sleeping little and in a position that allows you to flee quickly would be a useful and necessary defense mechanism.

They drink and eat at the same time

To feed on small fish and plankton in the sea, whales cannot separate some things from others due to their enormous size.

At the same time that they are ingesting the food, they are also ingesting water, and an organ they have in their cheeks is responsible for getting rid of the water, and so only the food is kept. Impressive!

they make friends

Whales are very sociable, and females even more so. In fact, studies and research have found that they get close to whales they’ve shared experiences with and like to swim or play with. Like good friends…

Furthermore, it is believed that those who do this have better health status and greater power of conception than those who are alone. Very interesting, don’t you think?

they are hospitable

Following the sociability line, whales adopt animals that have been injured or abandoned to care for them, protect them from predators and make them part of the group. They become a family and protect each other.

There are known cases of dolphins adopted by them or even descendants of other species that were orphaned. A very admirable gesture that seems incredible when you think about its size. How such an imposing animal can be so lovable is something we cannot explain.

they live a long time

As for their lifespan, this varies according to the type of whale, but we are aware of specimens that have lived for more than 200 years. However, boreal whales, for example, are usually no more than 90 years old.

Whales live a long time

Moby Dick  was real

If you are a fan of this movie and are wondering if it was real, know that it was. It appears that Herman Melville based his novel on a whale named Mocha Dick, which sank a ship in 1820. Despite this, this one had even more bad luck than Moby Dick.

What did you think about knowing these fun facts about whales? Every day we get to know a little more about those animals that seemed impossible to understand.

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